
Microaggressions, the insensitive statements, questions, or assumptions aimed at traditionally marginalized identity groups can happen to anyone, of any background, at any professional level. This could be subtle or direct, which could leave someone feeling uncomfortable, threatened or racially victimised (Washington, 2022). 

On this page, the impacts of microaggressions are emphasized through various media such as animations, posters, videos, and informative websites, crafted by former BGL project participants.

Washington, E. F., 2022. Recognizing and Responding to Microaggresions at Work, s.l.: Havard Business Review. 


BGL Resources 


This poster was created by Dimple Hirani (UoB) and Japeth Rubiato (CCCU). Please do download and share in your department.  Download here: #Bridgingthegaptoleadership- Microagressions 

Poster about microaggressions



This video created by the students can be used in educator training, highlighting case scenario’s related to racism and microaggressions and providing case studies for discussion : watch here 


Additional Resources 


This short video created by staff at University Hospitals Sussex raises awareness of microaggressions and importance of allyship: watch here


This short YouTube video highlights the discrimination that people face, the assumptions people make, microaggressions, the need for a more inclusive working environment and reminds us all of our responsibility to change this : Inclusion Starts with I 



This useful webpage by College Educated provides useful information about avoiding microaggressions: link here 


This 2020 article on the Harvard Business website provides some useful reflections on how to respond if you are called out for microaggressions: link here 


Useful articles

This 2020 paper provides clear breakdown of the various types of microaggressions and acts as a useful reflective  tool for educators to consider in relation to their own behaviour: A qualitative study of microaggressions against African Americans on predominantly White campuses | BMC Psychology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)