Passports- educator and student

We ask learners to send you their placement passport. This has recently been updated by a student on  a leadership placement:  Student Placement Passport 2024

The Sussex Innovation and Quality working group have also developed an educator passport to compliment the student passport we already use.

We are asking for people to consider using it from their next student.  There is a choice of 3 different versions for people to chose the one that resonates best with them.  The overview pdf paper gives the explanation of why this would be a great addition to practice learning.  The educator passport is taking an average of 15 minutes to complete and only needs to be updated if something changes in the educators practice not for every student.

Sussex AHP Educator Passports Overview

Educator Passpor Short Version 2

Educator Passport Free Text Version 2

Educator Passport with SWOC Version 2