Research Placements
Research is one of the 4 pillars of practice and graduates need to have the confidence and skills to be engage in research, audit, governance, quality assurance and evidence based practice. Research placements enable learners to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence in practice and we are happy to talk to any educator / team about how you could create and support a research/ quality assurance placement.
To help you consider and plan for research placements, we have written this guidance document. It provides rationale for why these are valuable practice learning experiences and offers suggestions for what learners could do: Research Placements for practice partners
This is also accompanied by a suggested workbook that has some good links in that could form part of the learners induction and development; feel free to adapt this as needed for your specific placement: Research placement Work Book-toolkit Aug 2023
This is a useful presentation by Teresa Buchan AHP Practice Development and Education lead at Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT): Learning from Leadership Education Research placements
Please download this flashcard: Flashcard Research Placements V.3
The Council of Deans have produced this really useful document that promotes the importance of research placements and provides some useful case studies: Becoming Research Competent ; Research placements in pre-registration nursing, midwifery and allied health programmes in the UK
Health Education England have created this national guidance document: Guide to Practice-Based Learning for Allied Health Professional Students in Research. The guide highlights the range of AHP students working in different research settings. The aim is to assist students to meet their learning outcomes but also to them build their research pillar of practice at an early stage. It is hoped that the guide gives educators and others the awareness, confidence and knowledge to embark on this type of placement: read here
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists have this great website with animation talking about providing research placements (including for other AHP students): Research and leadership placements | RCSLT
Research placements can help health professionals ground their practice in evidence link here
HEE carried out a workshop and creative ideas for what research placements could involve and ways of assessing them can be found here
The AHP Practice COP Group also did this recent webinar on research placements: link here