Q . My RNDA apprentice is already a Nursing Associate can they complete  medication rounds?

A.  The apprentice is competent in the management and administration of medications other than IV Drugs and fluids. When on a supernumerary placement they can be given the opportunity to administer medications to those patients whose care they have been given. They cannot hold the ‘keys’ or complete medications rounds for a ward or unit.

Q.  The RNDA apprentice normally works on this placement as a Senior healthcare worker, how can we support their learning?

A.  As an apprentice they will remain competent in all the skills they perform in their employed role. As an apprentice they can now be supported to shadow the registered nurses and to take part in the assessment and planning activities of a registered nurse

Q. My RNDA is already an NA and does everything anyway, what can they learn?

A. As an NA they are very skilled at doing many of the activities of a registered nurse. Now is the opportunity to revisit the way they work, and to critically review their practice. Can they do things differently or better. Can they learn more about why somebody is in need of care. Can they  support a junior student. Can they deepen their assessments and plan nursing interventions?

Q. The RNDA does not have the same range of experiences that the undergraduate student has  – how will they meet the required standards?

A. When in placement learners will learn about the speciality, and around that they will undertake common nursing activities that make up the proficiencies in the PAD documentation.  If there are discrete skills they have not seen or had an opportunity to practice can they undertake a spoke placement? Can they complete clinical skills.net training and assessments? Can this be explored in a professional discussion?

Q. Can we sign off proficiencies during on-the-job learning?

A. The apprenticeship is full time (or minimum of 30 hours/week) and developing practice occurs in on-the-job and off-the-job learning opportunities. Proficiencies can be achieved in any setting.

Q .Whys is there more paperwork for the RNDA to complete?

A. An RNDA must achieve the Occupational Standards of a Registered Nurse (NMC2018), and the the Apprenticeship standards (ESFA) to complete the course to then apply for registration as a nurse. To meet the requirements of the ESFA we must have evidence of 12 weekly progress reviews, evidence of Functional English and Maths, and evidence that British values and Prevent have been considered