Looking back at the beginning of the week I cannot lie that it was a strange week as I had to face a total different reality. Adjusting myself to the new facts and figures of the days of isolation, I had more time to study independently and work on my sketchbook. At the time being, trying to “fight” worldwide a virus that brought our lives upside down, none knows when this nightmare will end. Taking always in consideration student safety and health, on Tuesday the university announced that it will close and all the classes will take place online. Digital teaching is another new adjustment that we have to take because of the new data of the days. On Thursday I had my first online meeting with my teammates and my tutors where we discussed about the new way that we are going to work as a team, our new roles and the new final outcomes that we have to produce for this project. I cannot lie that since is still the beginning everything is vague and new for us, but we work hard to bring the best out of it. On a video call with my teammates we split into new roles;Sarah will create the look book, Alicia will edit the video, Lara will work on the Instagram account and I will make a website and floor plan and a mockup of the space. I know that this is a hard time for everyone but I hope things will get better day by day. Looking at the positive side of the situation, self-isolation and staying at home give us enough time to work on the new the project.