Last weekend I had the chance to visit Tim Walker’s exhibition “Worderful Things” in Victoria & Albert museum. Tim Walker was born in England in 1970 and he currently lives in London. He started his career as a freelance photographic assistant in London in 1994, before moving to New York as an assistant to Richard Avedon.  In 1995, he shot his first fashion story for Vogue and has been photographing editorially even since.  He had collaborated with many famous brands thoughout the years like Mc Queen, Balenciaga, Chanel and Moncler.   His exhibition in the VA museum is a unique expirience as it ‘travels’ the viewer to the location and time that the shooting took place. Each room in the museum represents a different ‘chapter’ of Walker’s photographic stories and is perfeclty decorated based on the theme of the shoot.  ” Cloud 9″ inspired by South Asia and specifically India was the ‘chapter’ I liked the most  .   I am really keen on they way that Walker used bold vivid colors to celebrate the richness and enenrgy, the magical,enchanted quality of the country. Moreover, the transparent vibrant colors that looked as a kaleidoscope in the pictures of the “Illumination” chapter was an element that grapped me attention in the exhibition . As Walker stated “There’s something special for me about transparent colour and I have an immediate emotional response to colour”.


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