Since the beginning of this pandemic I found myself between Brighton and my hometown Thessaloniki. Having experienced three lockdowns in two different places, I always tried to explore new ways to pass my time indoors and outdoors. Being locked in a house, now more than ever each and every of us tries to find activities and reasons to spend some time outdoors.Morning runs, picnics, cycling, a walk with your dog, gardening were some of the hobbies that Covid brought back to our daily life. Personally, spending every day an hour outdoors running or cycling I found very interesting this return to nature . Therefore, I decided to film some of the activities that people do outdoors and create a short movie depicting human contact with nature during lockdown. I decided to experiment first with the content that I had collected during the lockdown in Brighton and Thessaloniki. I was really satisfied from the result of the short video that I created showing how people of different age pass their time outdoors at nature and therefore I decided to capture more videos depicting human contact with nature and create a movie that I will incorporate in my zine. Now more than ever human started appreciating habits, rituals, senses, emotions and feelings that before were obvious.Now more than ever people started appreciating the sun, the sea, the wind, fresh air and many more natural elements cause as they say “You have to lose something to appreciate it”.