Coming to the end of this week I cannot lie that it was a hard week full of doubts and dilemmas. Reading constantly about the new corona virus outbreak worldwide scared me a lot the past days. Studying alone in a foreign country, this is an issue that made me face many doubts daily. I didn’t know which was the right decision that I had to take stay here or go back home being close to my family. My head full of questions and dilemmas ; What should I do? What will happen with the university? What about the shootings that we have planned with my group. After a lot of thought with my family and tutors I decided to go back to Greece until the situation gets better. Discussing this with my tutors and teammates, we decided to have constant video calls with both of them. Also, we discussed with my group that I will help them with all the digital work like editing images and videos and designing the lookbook. Also, I am going to focus on my sketchbook and business studies assignments since I can work on them even from distance. On the other side of the spectrometer, I was productive the past week since I finalise my professional promotion assignment on Business and met several times with my group to organise our shooting and buy all the equipment and props needed for the fashion space and the photo shooting. That’s all for now! Hope everything will end up soon and a better week for me will start on Monday!