BBS Quality, Learning and Teaching

Supporting best practice in BBS

Category: Brighton Business School (page 4 of 5)

Module Delivery and Design Quality Day Mithras House 12 September 2017

We have a great day planned: Starting in M117 at 9.30 and running through to 3.30 including refreshments and lunch.

We have a busy year ahead of us, including implementing the Curriculum Design Initiative (CDI), the  Periodic Review of the Business Courses plus all the normal innovation we all do! If you not booked to come it is not too late to attend!!

Essentials of module delivery 

Some best practices that enhance learning 

Aspire (electronic) reading lists for independent learning 

Learning Analytics 

Assessment criteria and feedback

New Turnitin studio 

Curriculum re-design for undergraduate: context, principles and timescales 

Periodic review of BSc Business: outline and module re-design challenges

Improving assessment 

The curriculum design workspace

Designing learning outcomes 

Full Programme Here

BBS Learning and Teaching Conference 2017

The day started with a thought provoking Key Note from Barney Roe (Chartered Association Business Schools CABS)  – International students –  subject level TEF,  apprenticeships and so much more!

Pop up technologies all through the day where staff chatted to learning technologists and our information adviser about the new Turnitin studio,  , Aspire Reading Lists and VR technology!

Fantastic presentations some using Kahoot and NearPod   : contact  Marion Curdy  for more information

Topics included: Widening Participation,  Student Professional Practice,  Placements & Employability, Feedback, Research informed teaching,  Professionalism of teaching, New Technologies in the Curriculum, Teaching International Students, Active Learning and Student Collaboration  – Thanks to all our presenters!

Presentations  are here.

Katie Piatt updated us on the pilot for Learning Analytics at the Business School with the plan to roll it out to all level 4 students as a minimum.

We had a panel of students who were great in answering questions about their student journey! chaired by Stuart Bullen, so good to hear such positive comments!

The presentation for Your School Learning & Teaching Award  took place  place 36 nominations were received &  well done to our 6 finalists Jeanette Ashton, Dan Bennett, Stuart Francis, Anastasia Khanina,  Barry Lee-Scherer  & Hamid Salimian with Jeanette Ashton announced as the winner!!!

This post would not be complete without wishing Aidan all the very best for a wonderful retirement.

Photos from the day are available on this link


BBS Learning & Teaching Conference 2017

July 7th 2017: Final Call to Register

Open to all Business School staff and will take place on the first floor of the Edward Street Building. It will be followed by a BBQ in the Grand Parade Gardens.

Key Note  Presentations

Barney Roe –  Director of Communications & External Relations Chartered Association of Business School (CABS)   Higher Education Policy and Business Schools: Opportunities and Challenges

Katie Piatt  – e-Learning Services Manager & Jason Bailey – Learning Technologies Advisor – What would you do differently if you knew you were top of the class? BBS Learning Analytics Pilot Results and Future Plans

There will be Pop- Up Technologies! through-out the day

The presentation for Your School Learning & Teaching Award will take place 36 nominations were received &  well done to our 6 finalists Jeanette Ashton, Dan Bennett, Stuart Francis, Anastasia Khanina,  Barry Lee-Scherer  & Hamid Salimian


Register to attend here

Teaching Excellence Framework

The results of the assessment of all universities taking part in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) have been announced today.
The University of Brighton has been assessed as consistently exceeding national quality requirements and has been awarded a Silver rating.
This means that the University is judged to deliver high quality teaching, learning and outcomes for our students and to consistently exceed rigorous national quality requirements for UK Higher Education.
Do not forget to join us at BBS own Learning & Teaching conference on 7th July  where we will announce the recipient of BBS  first ever Learning and Teaching Award, share great practice and have the opportunity to look at new learning technologies.

BBS Learning & Teaching Conference 2017

 July 7th 2017

Open to all Business School staff and will take place on the first floor of the Edward Street Building. It will be followed by a BBQ in the Grand Parade Gardens.

We are delighted to confirm  Key Note  Presentations

 Barney Roe –  Director of Communications & External Relations Chartered Association of Business School (CABS)   Higher Education Policy and Business Schools: Opportunities and Challenges

Katie Piatt  – e-Learning Services Manager & Jason Bailey – Learning Technologies Advisor – What would you do differently if you knew you were top of the class? BBS Learning Analytics Pilot Results and Future Plans

There will be Pop- Up Technologies! through-out the day

The presentation for Your School Learning & Teaching Award will take place 36 nominations were received &  well done to our 6 finalists Jeanette Ashton, Dan Bennett, Stuart Francis, Anastasia Khanina,  Barry Lee-Scherer  & Hamid Salimian

Provisional Programme 

We hope to create a conference proceeding book as an official output from the conference.

Register to attend here


Assessment And Feedback (Including Exams)


On January 6th Peter Mccullen and Julie Fowlie launched BBS Quality Learning and Teaching blog site  it is still a work in progress however it  has links to a wide range of supporting information. It has a search function to enable you to easily find any relevant information

Pete has prepared some excellent guidance for writing exams. These notes are intended to help module leaders and teams to think about ways to improve students’ achievement of module learning outcomes during the ‘run up’ to the summer exams covering: the design of examination papers, student engagement and learning support, and revision lectures.

This is to remind everyone review the assessment and feedback guidance provided.

Feedback Guidelines

  • Based on criteria – that have been made available (marking grid or rubric) using % weightings (this is a requirement)
  • Non-judgemental language –  avoiding using words such as ‘fails’, ‘lacks’, etc – the mark gives the judgement
  • Developmental – tell the student how to develop, including appropriate resources

Assessment Feedback 

And updated for 2019  Assessment Review and Submission point form

If there is anything missing please let us know and we can add it to the blog.

Assessment Feedback


On January 6th Peter Mccullen and I launched BBS Quality Learning and Teaching blog site  it is still under development however it  has links to a wide range of supporting information.

This is to remind anyone who was not able to make it to please review the assessment and feedback guidance provided.

Feedback Guidelines

  • Based on criteria – that have been made available (marking grid or rubric) using % weightings
  • Non-judgmental language –  avoiding using words such as ‘failure’, ‘lacks’, etc – the mark gives the judgement
  • Developmental – tell the student how to develop, including appropriate resources

Assessment Feedback 

Summary of the initial feedback from the students participating in the Learning Analytics pilot

NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with the details of the Learning Analytics pilot more information can be found on the eLearning team’s blog

As the students have now had access to their Learning Analytics Dashboard for a number of weeks we wanted to start gathering feedback on their experience of using both the ‘How are you Doing?’ widget as well as the Learning Analytics Dashboard. The dashboard displays the following data to the students, and in each case their data is displayed alongside the average of the rest of their cohort:

  • Assessment scores in their modules (Grade Centre data)
  • The amount of time spent on studentcentral
  • Their attendance (using data recorded via the Grade Centre and the classlist widget)
  • Their timeline of happiness (this is not compared with any one elses data)

We ran 4 focus groups, one for each of the seminar groups involved and asked them the following questions:

  • Did you use the ‘How are you doing widget’?
    What did you think of the ‘How are you doing Widget’? Did knowing someone would follow up encourage or prevent you using it?
  • Did the Learning Analytics data tell you anything you didn’t know?
    Did you make any behavior changes as a result of the data? and what were they?
  • Did you have any concerns or expectations about the project? and were they realised?
  • What suggestions do you have for development? Changes to the display? Additional data that would be useful etc?

Feedback Results

Approx 70 students are involved in the pilot groups, of which 34 participated in the focus groups.

71% of respondents used the ‘how are you doing’ widget

76% felt the data provided information they didn’t already have access to

56% felt the data had a positive affect on their behavior

Most students reported the dashboard provided information that they didn’t already know and a little over half of the students felt the data would influence and change their behavior for the better, ie. if their attendance dropped below average they would attend more, if grades were below average they would attempt to improve their performance. More details of the feedback received from the students can be found here – Learning Analytics Pilot Student Feedback


The next phase of the pilot is to give students access to the student ‘fitness’ analytics app, this is a nation wide pilot managed by JISC.



Learning Analytics Pilot -For everyone involved with level 4 students – All degrees

This pilot project has been underway since the beginning of term.

Please check the link below for the improved although not perfect attendance recording system we are piloting across all level 4 modules, all undergraduate degrees.

Learning Analytics – Attendance-Assessment

Without tutors recording attendance the pilot will not be as successful as it could be.

Tip –  if you are finding using the computer in the seminar room not working as well as you would like you can use an iPad – the technicians do have a limited number you can borrow.

If you need some help please contact  Marion Curdy or Julie Fowlie

Any feedback please direct to Marion and that will inform the next stages.

Student Finder 

The new and exciting addition is Student Finder, details on above link or direct to the video  – Viewing a student’s  My Engagement view  Anyone involved in supporting Level 4 students should see the Student Finder Widget on your home page of Studentcentral. This will enable you to look up any level 4 student and see their overall attendance (to be treated with caution as attendance is not complete for all students), engagement with studentcentral and their current assessment marks against their cohort.

If you cannot see the Student Finder widget and you need access please let Marion know.

To follow– As part of the pilot the students in four seminar groups have  had access to their own student engagement view  and the results of the pilot will be posted very soon.


Brighton Business School Lunchtime Seminar: “Talking about teaching” Sue Greener & Asher Rospigliosi, Wednesday 8th Feb

Students tell us they want more contact – what do they do with it? Learners have mobile devices, pen and paper are less visible, but how are the devices being used for learning? With the new cascade/curriculum design discussions suggesting students start with more contact to develop skills for more independent learning later in their study: this session involves talking with colleagues about how we encourage student learning in and out of class. Particular focus on note-taking, active reading, engagement with text, blogging, revision and a deeper engagement with what learners study.


Wednesday 8th February

1.00 to 2.00

Mithras House Room M138


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