Below is the link to the NSS and BSS questions. The BSS questions will be different this year.
Below is the link to the action plan which was distributed with some additional comments made as a result of the recent ESEC meeting.
The link to the Action plan will take you to the most current document, so as we make changes it will be updated.
You can find all the relevant Business School documents about the NSS/BSS on SharePoint. To find the folder, go to staffcentral then click arrow to the right of your name, then click “my department”. You will see headings across the top: click on NSS and the documents for 18/19 are in subfolder.
Wider University NSS information:
Wider University BSS information:
What is difficult is getting out the good news/changes to students and staff and building a sense of positivity and pride.
Reminders: what is currently available (see action plan for more idea)
- We have Your Voice Matters on studentcentral on the main menu for MySchool Brighton Business School. This includes responses to students’ stop, start and continue feedback, a link to the Good News Stories and student comms re 2018 BSS.
One simple way to promote the survey is to add a strap-line to the signature area on emails (see below) as we are often solving problems and answering questions – this reinforces that we are supporting students.
Strap-line on email responses to students –
Calling all final year students please complete the National Student Survey (NSS): your reflections on your whole degree – first – final year are very important
How to create and add a signature to messages
The NSS results are used as part of the metrics of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
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