INVITE: Capacity-building for strengthening city region food systems
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems – with whom Bohn&Viljoen have collaborated in the past – and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) run their third event in the CRFS Knowledge Exchange Webinar Series: Capacity-building for strengthening city region food system resilience on Monday, 26th June 2023, from 14:00 – 15:15 CEST. They write:
‘In the era of multiple shocks and stresses such as climate crises, pandemics, conflict, and migration affecting urban and city region food systems, there is an urgent need to enhance the resilience of cities and city regions.
Active engagement of local governments and a wide range of stakeholders is crucial across all stages of resilience-building initiatives. However, given the long-term nature of resilience-building efforts that often span electoral cycles, changes in elected city leadership can pose challenges. In such cases, city officials play a vital role in ensuring ongoing support and continuity. Equipping these officials with the necessary capacities in terms of knowledge, skills, and technical abilities is therefore essential.
Join this webinar … to learn from cities that have successfully strengthened resilience in their food systems. City representatives will highlight the actions they took and the barriers they overcame. The event aims to identify the specific capacities needed by city officials and other stakeholders involved in building food system resilience.
The main language of the event will be English, with interpretation available in French and Spanish.’
Speakers include representatives from the cities of Nairobi (Kenia), Baltimore (USA) and Chennai (India), as well as Jess Halliday from RUAF, Guido Santini from the FAO and Serena Duraccio from MUFPP. There is a roundtable discussion and a Q&A session.
For the full event information including the registration link see here.
For information on RUAF see here.
Image: This is the third webinar in the CRFS Knowledge Exchange Webinar Series. (source: FAO www 2023)