Turnitin released an update for the Feedback Studio for iPad app on Tuesday, 13th of March. This update introduces a key change to the way that you will log in to the app, as compared to what we previously recommended at the university. You will now log in with your Turnitinuk.com instructor credentials, which use you email address as the username and a unique password which you can reset.
Please ensure that you synchronise your marking prior to updating to this new version of the Feedback Studio app. Due to this change, you will need to update the app prior to being able to access/add any modules that are currently not listed for you in the app. As a result of this change you will no longer add modules on an individual basis via access code; modules will be added to the app automatically based on the module areas in which you are listed as an instructor.
For more details and information about how to reset your Turnitinuk.com instructor credentials, please visit this page: https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/servicestatuslogs/2018/03/15/turnitin-news-march-addendum-login-procedure-for-tii-ipad-app/