BBS Quality, Learning and Teaching

Supporting best practice in BBS

Category: Brighton Business School (page 5 of 5)

Would you like help with any digital transformations? Or, why not try recording your lectures and marking with a rubric!

There are a number of ways that technology can help with giving students access to our teaching and learning resources and with our need to provide students with feedback.
After the recent, excellent Work In On Assessment, organized by Julie and Pete – I thought it might be helpful to remind colleagues that if there are “things you want to try out” – a number of us are happy and willing to show you how – this message might be especially useful to new colleagues, but is there for all.

So if you want to:
Capture your voice while giving a lecture – and make the combined Powerpoint & audio available (very nice for students who do not have English as their first language)
Use a rubric to mark (maybe with audio comments)
Mark on an iPad (loaned from the technicians)

Do feel free to pop in and ask for hands on help  from me:

asher, room 145 or
Hazel (professional office),
Donna (undergraduate office)
Julie  (post graduate office)

or Julie (room 149)

2018 National Student Survey (NSS)

The NSS will be officially launched at Brighton on Monday 5th February 2018.

Link to Strategic Planning Office information on staffcentral  NSS Implementation Information 

This NSS Briefing Note  has been prepared for distribution to all staff by the Strategic Planning Office.  It contains key information on:

  • Dates
  • Response rates
  • Promoting the survey and ‘inappropriate influence’
  • Your Voice Matters campaign – feeding back the feedback
  • Survey questions (new in 2017)
  • Contacts and sources of useful information

This is particularity  important for tutors who teach final year students.  Please take the time to read the NSS Questions so you can understand exactly what questions the students will be answering.

One  simple way to promote the survey is to add a strap-line  to the  signature area on emails (see below) as we are often solving problems and answering questions – this reinforces that we are supporting students.

Strap-line on email responses to students –

Calling all final year students please complete the National Student Survey (NSS): your reflections on your whole degree – first – final year is very important You can read what recent graduates think about BBS  here Proud to be a BBS graduate

How to create and add a signature to messages

The NSS results  are used as part of the metrics of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)


BBS Annual Learning & Teaching Award £250 cash prize and trophy

The award is open to all tutors employed in Brighton Business School

žThe process of entry is by anonymous nomination on-line.

žThis can be by colleagues or students.

žThe nominations will be judged against each of the following criteria

  • Displays an active interest in and development of approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn
  • Demonstrates commitment to and support for the development of students as individuals
  • Uses effective communication skills that engage students in the learning experience
  • Involvement in scholarly activities that have influenced and enhanced learning both of students and colleagues

There a link to the staff nomination form below and students can nominate by using the nomination link on the home page of studentcentral

Details and Nomination Form

Burning of the Apps 2016

Some highlights colleagues might be interested in –

iPad Video Presentation Recording – particularly useful for assessed presentations (allowing the students to see their own video using a link added in gradecentre feedback)

Nearpod version of the Oregon Trail  to support research design – This was an innovative way to help students understand  how to write a research question and then think through appropriate research methods

All about – more detail about this great free resource saving the normal £30  monthly subscription charge!

Below is the link to all the information

Any queries you can contact Marion Curdy our Learning Technologies Adviser


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