Using Assessment Criteria & Advising students “ways to improve” Developmental Feedback
This has been developed as part of the Universities response to NSS Question 8: The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance
The following information must be made available to students at the start of the module.
- the Assessment Brief/Outline/Task(s) for the module (what the students have to do)
- and either a marking rubric, the University’s Generic Grading Descriptor or clear information on how the Generic Grading Descriptor is contextualised for that assessment task (how the students achieve their grades in the assessment)
Existing policy commitments regarding assessment information to students are outlined in Section B 2 of GEAR.
Assessments – students should be provided with;
2.1 In order to help secure a common framework for the student experience of assessment, students should be provided with clear, accessible information on what they are expected to do for assessment, how their work will be marked and the nature and timing of academic feedback they will receive.
Minimum requirements in respect of a range of assessment information are set out and specifically for grading criteria:
B. 2.1.2 iv the grading criteria which set out the different levels of attainment within each assessment criterion. The criteria for each assessment should be as clear as possible to students and examiners;
University’s regulations GEAR
There is a BBS Development Example Module on studentcentral to help develop your module area.
Develop your Grading Criteria
Allocate a percentage weighting to your criteria, you can then either develop your own set of descriptions at each level or there is a standard set of undergraduate grading descriptors available and Marion has also set up a rubric based on these descriptors which can be used. More information about Rubrics can be found here.
Consider using the % function on Turnitin or studentcentral rubrics. Both the undergraduate office and post graduate office will do this, if provided with the rubric in word format. This is included in the assessment review form
Record an explanation of the module and assessment requirements
Use media stream to record a short screen capture video of the module area on studentcentral to take students through the requirements. This is also is a great resource for students with varying guidance of inclusive delivery available as well as those that will be commuting. The example introductory video is from 2019.
Feedback should be:
“….. legible, provided in clear accessible language and in an accessible format for the student; related to the learning outcomes and linked explicitly to marking criteria of the assessment (i.e. task-focussed), to indicate the extent to which the work has met the requirements of the assessment task. This facilitates a student’s understanding of their achievement in the assessment; constructive and indicate both strengths and areas for improvement to enable students to be self-reflective and take action to improve their learning” page 19 Gear.
- The grade given to a piece of work is the evaluation.
- Feedback is not about justifying that evaluation.
- Feedback is about providing students with constructive comments that tell them how to develop.
1: Develop grading guidance for tutors on the module
Decide as team if verbal feedback as well as comments on text and general comments are to be used. Be consistent.
If verbal comments are used, consider a standard text to add to the comments box (see marking guidance example below).
2: The Feedback Process
- Based on criteria – that have been made available, including % weightings (this is a requirement) BBS rubrics
- Non-judgemental language – avoiding using words such as ‘fails’, ‘lacks’, etc – the mark gives the evaluation/judgement
- Developmental – how to develop, including appropriate resources.
3: Frame your comments
- Points noted, recognise achievements (verbal feedback can acknowledge emotions)
- Areas to develop and solutions/resources.
The key here is if you do find yourself writing you did not……….. reframe the statement……….to develop do…..and if relevant add a solution/resource.
- Allocate in-text comments to the criteria
4: Develop general feedback guidance
It is possible to create general guidance that can be provided to students before they submit their work.
General feedback guidance example
5: Consider developing module Quick Marks
This will enable pre-determined text to be used when adding comments. QuickMark Manager is found by opening a Turnitin assignment then clicking on the Libraries tab. Nick Feather will provide support if needed.