Publications and presentations
André Viljoen and Katrin Bohn have published and presented their work on productive urban landscapes, the CPUL design concept and the CPUL City vision to audiences worldwide. Below, we give an overview. For details, please follow the links included.
Books Chapters in books Papers and articles
Keynotes, presentations, public talks and interviews Reports
Please check out Bohn&Viljoen’s website for details.
COMING SOON: Urban Food Mapping: Making visible the Edible City (2024) Bohn and Tomkins (eds and contributors)
Spiel/Feld Urbane Landwirtschaft: Ökologische Bildung und praxisorientiertes Entwerfen / Playing/Field Urban Agriculture: Ecological literacy and practice-based design (2015) Bohn and Ritzmann (eds and co-authors)
Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities (2014) Viljoen and Bohn (eds and co-authors) >>> Winner of the RIBA President’s “Award for Outstanding University-located Research”
Spiel/Feld Urbane Landwirtschaft: Praxisorientiertes Entwerfen und ökologische Bildung (2012) Bohn, Ritzmann and Awan (eds and co-authors) >>> Winner of the UN award “Contribution to the UN World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development”
Sustainable Food Planning: Evolving theory and practice (2012) Viljoen and Wiskerke (eds and contributors)
CPULs Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture for sustainable cities (2005) Viljoen, Bohn and Howe (eds and co-authors) >>> Chinese translation 2015
Chapters in books
Please check out Bohn&Viljoen’s website for details.
COMING SOON: Mapping the Edible City: Making visible food, people and space (2024) Bohn and Tomkins
COMING SOON: Food in urban design and planning: The CPUL Opportunity Mapping Method (2024) Bohn
COMING SOON: Emerging spatial typologies for productive urban landscapes (2023) Bohn
Towards Good Food Landscapes: The intrinsic links between Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes and Food Governance (2022) Bohn and Viljoen
Thoughts on the importance of a meso perspective: The “Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün” (2021) Bohn
From Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes to Food Urbanism (2021) Viljoen and Bohn
Building continuous productive (peri-)urban landscapes (2020) Viljoen and Bohn
Eat the view: Eine Essbare Terrasse für das Kunstgewerbemuseum (2018) Bohn
Food and Urban Design: Urban Agriculture as Second Nature? (2017) Bohn and Viljoen
Urban Agriculture and Desire (2016) Viljoen and Bohn
Agriculture in Urban Design and Spatial Planning (2015) Viljoen, Schlesinger, Bohn and Drescher
Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing the Productive City (2015) Viljoen and Bohn
Who makes the city?: Community food gardens and CPUL City actions (2014) Viljoen, Tomkins and Bohn
Urban Agriculture: Designing the Productive City (2013) Bohn and Viljoen
An Opportunity Map for Köln-Ehrenfeld (2012) Bohn and Viljoen
Planning and designing food systems, moving to the physical (2012) Viljoen and Bohn
The CPUL City Toolkit: Planning productive urban landscapes for European cities (2012) Bohn and Viljoen
Laboratories for Urban Agriculture: Havana to Milwaukee (2012) Bohn and Viljoen
Foreword to: Carrot City: Creating places for Urban Agriculture (2011) Viljoen and Bohn
Produktive Stadtlandschaft: Über ungewöhnliche Verbindungen von Stadt und Ernährung (2011) Bohn and Viljoen
Places for people, Places for plants (2010) Viljoen, Bohn, Tomkins and Denny
Gärten wie Straßen vernetzen (2010) Bohn and Leitzgen
CPULS4TG2016 (2008) Bohn, Viljoen and Peña Díaz
Everything is continuous (2008) Viljoen and Bohn
The environmental impact of building materials (2007) Viljoen and Bohn
Land Use (2004) Viljoen and Bohn
The environmental impact of building materials (2004) Viljoen and Bohn
The environmental impact of building materials (2001) Viljoen and Bohn
Synthesis and Shape: A critical response to strategies for sustainable cities (2001) Bohn and Viljoen
Urban intensification and the integration of productive landscape (2000) Viljoen and Bohn
Urban Agriculture and the sustainable city (2000) Viljoen and Bohn
Papers and articles
Planning food system transitions (2022) special issue. Specht, Bohn and Simón-Rojo
Planning food system transitions: Exploring spatial, citizen-driven, and agroecological approaches (2022) editorial paper (refereed). Specht, Bohn and Simón-Rojo
Food-productive green infrastructure: Enabling agroecological transitions from an urban design perspective (2021) paper (refereed). Bohn and Chu
Nature-based solutions for agriculture in circular cities: Challenges, gaps and opportunities (2021) paper (refereed). Canet-Martí, Pineda-Martos, Junge, Bohn, Paço, Delgado, Alenčikienė, Skar and Baganz
Tools for Edible Cities: A review of tools for planning and assessing edible nature-based solutions (2021) paper (refereed). Mino, Pueyo-Ros, Škerjanec, Castellar, Viljoen, Istenič, Atanasova, Bohn and Comas
Sustainability defined: Air-con bad, urban farms good (2020) article. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban agriculture as a keystone contribution towards securing sustainable and healthy development for cities in the future (2020) paper (refereed). Skar, Pineda-Martos, Timpe, Pölling, Bohn, Külvik, Delgado, Pedras, Paço, Ćujić, Tzortzakis, Chrysargyris, Peticila, Alencikiene, Monsees and Junge
The Productive City: Urban Agriculture on the map (2016) article. Bohn and Viljoen
La ciudad productiva: el gran momento de la agricultura urbana (2016) article. Bohn and Viljoen
Second Nature and Urban Agriculture: A cultural framework for emerging food policies (2015) paper (refereed). Bohn and Viljoen
Pathways from practice to policy for Productive Urban Landscapes (2015) paper (refereed). Viljoen and Bohn
Scarcity and Abundance: Urban agriculture in Cuba and the USA (2012) article (refereed). Viljoen and Bohn
The Edible City: Envisioning Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2011) article (refereed). Bohn and Viljoen
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL): Designing essential infrastructure (2010) article (refereed). Bohn and Viljoen
Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes (2009) article. Bohn and Viljoen
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2009) article (refereed). Bohn and Viljoen
Keynotes, presentations, public talks and interviews
Food-productive green infrastructure (2023) invited presentation at: “Towards green(er) Egyptian cities through people-centered, practice-oriented urban education” research project, Habitat Unit, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Bohn >>> More
Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes (2021) invited presentation at: Haworth Tompkins Green Away Day, Cecil Sharp House, London, UK. Viljoen >>> More
Die AG Stadt & Ernährung (2021) public talk at: “Ein Gemeinschaftsgarten-Programm für Berlin” public event, Malzfabrik Berlin, Germany. Bohn >>> Bi-lingual (English/German) >>> More
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) (2021) public lecture at: IAAC Lecture Series online, Institute for advanced architecture in Catalonia (IAAC), Spain. Bohn >>> More
Should we stop producing meat? (2021) invited panelist at: “The Future of Food” public event online, Clean Growth UK, Great Britain. Bohn >>> More
The Circular City: Rethinking architecture and engineering (2020) public talk and conversation at: “Unlikely Partners” public lecture series online, University of Brighton. Bohn and Wang, Y. >>> More
A short overview of food mapping: Developing a cross-disciplinary approach (2020) paper (refereed) at: “Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future” international conference online, Royal Anthropological Institute, Royal Geographical Society, SOAS University of London, British Academy, British Museum, Great Britain. Bohn and Edwards, F. >>> More
Was kommt nach der Digitalisierung? (2020) interview at: Siegert, W. (2008-20) Was kommt danach?: Die Globalisierung. Die Demokratie. Die Digitalisierung. Bohn >>> In German >>> Online at: http://www.daybyday.press
Food as resource – food as problem – food as exemplary solution? (2020) public talk and panel discussant at: “Eco-Visionaries: Confronting a planet in a state of emergency” exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts London, UK. Bohn >>> More
Food-productive infrastructure: Enabling agroecological transitions from an urban design perspective (2019) paper (refereed) at: “9th AESOP International Sustainable Food Planning” conference, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. Bohn and Chu, D. >>> More
Tasty Cities: KIGALI – DA NANG – BERLIN – Ein trans-disziplinäres Kolloquium über Nahrungssysteme als Teil der Stadt (2019) public talk (convenor) at: “Rapid Planning” research project, Technical University Berlin, Germany. Bohn >>> More
Urban Food Innovation Labs: The ECF Berlin as an example of supply chain innovation (2019) workshop participant (consultancy) at: “Urbal: Urban-driven innovations for sustainable food systems”, ECF Malzfabrik Berlin, Germany. Bohn >>> More
Five facts about food mapping / How we map opportunities (2019) two short lectures at: “EdiCitNet: Edible Cities Network” Horizon2020 international city team workshop, City of Andernach, Germany. Bohn >>> More
Initiative Grüne Brandwände (2019) invited presentation and workshop at: “B.A.U.-Regionalgruppe Ost (Berlin / Brandenburg)” working meeting, B.A.U. Bund Architektur & Umwelt e.V., Berlin, Germany. Bohn >>> More
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape: Scattering the rural into the urban (2018) public talk at: Los Gázquez international artists residency, Andalucia, Spain. Bohn >>> More
Urban Food Systems: It is not the “WHY” anymore, it is the “HOW” (2017) keynote at: “Making-Measuring-Rethinking sustainable food systems” AESOP sustainable food planning workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Bohn
Current development and challenges in Urban Agriculture (2017) invited presentation and seminar at: “Urban Agriculture and Urban Gardening” Alumni Seminar, TU Berlin Campus El Gouna, Egypt. Bohn
Die Produktive Stadt (2016) public talk and workshop at: “PHV_Next_Generation”, IBA International Building Exhibition Heidelberg, Germany. Dreiseitl, H. and Bohn
Urbane Stoffkreisläufe (2016) public talk at: “PHV_Next_Generation”, IBA International Building Exhibition Heidelberg, Germany. Dreiseitl, H. and Bohn
Placemaking and the Digital: Innovative Teaching in Architecture (2016) paper (refereed) and roundtable discussion at: “DRHA16 Place, Ecology and the Digital” 20th anniversary Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts conference, Brighton, UK. Bohn, Colwill, S., Cheyne and Longden-Thurgood, G.
Second Nature Urban Agriculture (2016) public talk at: “Urban Gardening in Berlin + Urban Agriculture in der Welt” Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Universitätsbibliotheken der Technischen Universität und der Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany. Bohn
Visualising nexuses on the ground and as processes (2016) invited presentation at: “Nexuses of the Urban” Workshop, The Nexus Network, University of Sussex, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Alternative Stadt- und Regionalplanung (2016) interview at: 5 Minuten für bessere Ernährung Food Policy Council Berlin at RadioEins-Bus, Stadt Land Food Festival Berlin, Germany. Bohn
Urbane Landwirtschaft als Zweite Natur? (2016) public talk at: “WasserHorizonte II / Das Ländliche im Urbanen” international lecture series, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Germany. Bohn
Designing the (food) productive city (2016) keynote and seminar at: MISTRA Urban Futures “Urban Research” seminar, Göteborg, Sweden. Bohn
The (food) productive city: Urban Agriculture as Second Nature (2016) public talk at: “Culture Theory Space” international lecture series, Plymouth University, UK. Bohn
Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing the Productive City (2016) interview at: The Nature of Cities blog (2016) Urban agriculture has many benefits. Is one of them a contribution to urban sustainability?, issue 06/2016. Viljoen and Bohn >>> Online at: http://www.thenatureofcities.com
Urban Agriculture: Thinking about the futures of our cities (2015) public talk at: “Agricultura Urbana” conference, Museo de las Migraciones, Montevideo, Uruguay. Bohn
What is Urban Agriculture? (2015) invited presentation at: “Agricultura Urbana” workshop, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay. Bohn
Integrating agriculture into urban development projects (2015) keynote at: “Urban Agriculture: Fostering the Rural-Urban Continuum”, 5th Rencontres Internationales de Reims, International Research Centre on Sustainability, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France. Viljoen and Bohn
Second Nature and Urban Agriculture: A cultural framework for emerging food policies (2015) paper (refereed) and session chairing at: “7th AESOP International Sustainable Food Planning” conference, Universita + Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Bohn and Viljoen
Pathways from practice to policy for Productive Urban Landscapes (2015) paper (refereed) at: “7th AESOP International Sustainable Food Planning Conference”, Universita + Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Viljoen and Bohn
Die essbare Stadt: Urbane Landwirtschaft als Zweite Natur (2015) public talk at: “Wissenschaftsjahr Zukunftsstadt”, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde, Görlitz, Germany. Bohn
Urban agriculture: Making it commercially viable (2015) public talk and panelist at: “Nurturing a sustainable future” forum, World Expo Milan, Italy. Bohn
Was könnte ein Landwirtschaftspark noch können? (2015) invited presentation at: “Workshop Landwirtschaftspark”, IBA International Building Exhibition Heidelberg, Germany. Bohn
Second Nature Urban Agriculture (2015) invited presentation at: “Re-imagining Rurality” conference, University of Westminster, London, UK. Viljoen
Urban Transformations: Pathways from practice to policy for Productive Urban Landscapes (2014) paper (refereed) at: “6th AESOP International Sustainable Food Planning” conference, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Viljoen and Bohn
Die (nahrungs-) produktive Stadt (2014) public talk at: “Stadt Land Food” Festival für gutes Essen und gute Landwirtschaft, Berlin, Germany. Bohn
Second Nature Urban Agriculture (2014) public talk at: “plan14 parcours” Internationale Architekturbiennale Köln, Germany. Bohn
New Space, New Design: Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2014) invited presentation at: UNESCO International Urban Food Network “Land for Food” workshop, Paris, France. Viljoen and Bohn
Growing a CPUL City (2014) keynote at: International Colloquium “What is architecture?”, Ghent University, Belgium. Viljoen
The CPUL CITY Actions (2013) public talk and panelist at: “The Food and the City Design Salon”, V&A Sackler Centre, London, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Completing the New Food Equation: The role of educational policies when establishing urban agriculture (2013) paper (refereed) and session chairing at: “5th AESOP International Sustainable Food Planning” conference, INRA and UMR Innovation Montpellier, France. Bohn, Viljoen and Otters, R.
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2013) public talk and conversation with artist Kathrin Böhm at: “HAYSTACK05 Hunting Wild Boar by Phone”, Southbank Centre, London, UK. Bohn
How food impacts on the high-density city (2013) invited presentation at: “City & Food sLIM seminar”, sLIM (Stichting Leergang Intensief Meervoudig Ruimtegebruik Foundation for Intensive and Multiple Land Use), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Viljoen and Bohn
What about Urban Agriculture? (2012) public talk at: “IaaC International Lecture Series”, Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. Bohn
Growing cities: Continuous Productive Urban Landscape as infrastructure (2012) invited presentation at: “Architecture through the City” conference, Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy. Bohn
Urban agriculture is happening: On new developments in the USA (2011) keynote at: “3rd AESOP Sustainable Food Planning” conference, School of City and Regional Planning / Sustainable Places Research Institute Cardiff, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
CPUL City: An evolving design strategy and case for food urbanism (2011) opening paper (refereed) at: “Scales of Nature“ 48th world congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA), Zürich, Switzerland. Viljoen, Bohn, Tomkins, M. and Denny, G.
Globale Ernährungsketten und urbane Landwirtschaft (2011) public talk and panelist at: “Urban Futures 2050” international conference, Böll-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany. Bohn
invited presentation: (2011) at: OAA annual conference “Urbanisation & Globalisation”, Toronto, Canada. Bohn
public talk and panelist: (2011) at: Über Lebenskunst, Berlin, Germany. Bohn
keynote: (2011) at: 1st International Congress “Urban Harvest and Sustainability”, Seixal, Portugal. Viljoen and Bohn
invited presentation: (2010) at: “Food in the city” conference (publication of a new food strategy by the National Assembly of Wales), Institute of Welsh Affairs, Cardiff, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Vertical Farming (2010) tv interview for: Countryfile programme, BBC1, UK. Viljoen
CPUL City (2010) public talk and panelist at: Ecobuild “Sustainable by Design” seminars, Earls Court, London, UK. Bohn
Designing for sustainable productive landscapes is a complex and ambitious task (2010) interview in: Landscape Architecture China (2010) Productive Landscape, vol. 9(1), pp. 24–30. Bohn >>> In Chinese and English >>> More
Taste and Place: Re-imagining the urban fringe (2010) invited speaker at: Rethinking Cities Ltd. workshop “Conversations on Future Lifestyles”, Royal Commonwealth Society, London, UK. Bohn
Metropolitan agriculture innoversity (2010) invited speaker at: The MetroAg workshop “Action Learning Network”, Tower of London, UK. Viljoen
CPUL: A project-led approach to healthy cities (2009) invited presentation at: University of Brighton — Minhang District of Shanghai think tank, University of Brighton, UK. Viljoen
The idea of Embodied Desire in the establishment of CPULs (2009) paper (refereed) at: 4th CAPPE International Interdisciplinary Conference “The Politics of Space and Place”, Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton, UK. Bohn and Tomkins, M.
1st European Sustainable Food Planning Conference (2009) invited presentation at: Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP, Almere, The Netherlands. Viljoen
The Clear Village Lab Barcelona (2009) invited speaker at: Clear Village Lab workshop, Institute of Advanced Architecture Barcelona, Spain. Viljoen
The CPUL City: Understanding urban agriculture (2009) public workshop at: nef “The Bigger Picture: Festival of Interdependence”, Bargehouse, London, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
Foodscapes: Kansen voor een eetbare Schilderswijk (2009) public talk at: “Foodprint: Food for the City”, Stroom, Den Haag, The Netherlands. Solomon, D., Bohn and Viljoen
Places for people, places for plants (2009) keynote paper at: 2nd International Conference “Landscape and Urban Horticulture”, University of Bologna, Italy. Viljoen, Bohn, Tomkins, M. and Denny, G.
public talk: (2009) at: “London Yields: Urban Agriculture” symposium, Building Centre London, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
The future of our food (2009) public talk at: Transition Town Brixton, London, UK. Viljoen
Paysage Urbain Productif Continu (2009) public talk at: “LUP#12” laboratory for participatory urbanism, Paris, France. Bohn
The power of community (2009) public talk at: The Fab Film Company’s “Film Night”, London, UK. Viljoen
The Middlesbrough Urban Farming Project (2009) public talk at: “Carrot City”, Design Exchange, Toronto, Canada. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban food growing and urban agriculture (2009) public talk at: “Growing in Haringey”, Haringey Community Growers, London, UK. Bohn
Designing for urban agriculture (2009) public lecture at: “Emerging Green Builders”, Canada Green Building Council, Toronto, Canada. Viljoen
Tools for making CPUL (2009) public talk at: “Feeding the future city: Designing edible urban landscapes”, The Architecture Centre, Bristol, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Making a CPUL (2009) public talk at: “BHOGG” — Brighton & Hove Organic Growing Group, Brighton, UK. Viljoen
Growing food in the Biosphere City (2008) paper at: Brighton & Hove’s “sustainability conference 2008”, Brighton, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
London CPUL (2008) paper (refereed) at: European Forum for Architectural Policies “Architecture and Sustainable Development” conference, Bordeaux, France. Viljoen and Bohn
London CPUL (2008) public talk at: “Harvest Lectures” series, Arup London, UK. Bohn
Scrumptious Southbank (2008) public talk at: Festival of Food, Southbank Centre London, UK. Viljoen
Growing to scale (2008) public talk at: 100% Sustainable at 100% Design London, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
The Continuous Picnic (2008) public talk at: 2nd Sustainable Development Research Forum, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK. Viljoen
Designing the 21st century town (2008) paper at: 5th Annual South Coast Towns conference “Shared Challenges, Individual Solutions”, Brighton, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Growing food for London (2008) public talk at: London Food Link conference “Growing Food for London”, Greater London Authority, London, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Designing for urban agriculture (2008) keynote at: “The Role of Food and Agriculture in the Design and Planning of Buildings and Cities” conference, Ryerson University Toronto, Canada. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban agriculture for London? (2008) public talk at: “Dulwich Going Greener”, Dulwich Village London, UK. Viljoen
Designing CPUL for London (2008) invited presentation at: “Green Revolution” series at Creative Capital, The Hospital Club London, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
CPUL as a measure of renaturation? (2008) invited presentation at: 1st expert meeting “Renaturation as a strategy of sustainable urban development”, Federal Ministry for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn, Germany. Bohn
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2008) public talk at: “What Matters?” series, Swedish Architecture Museum Stockholm, Sweden. Bohn and Viljoen
Utilitarian Dreams: A Collaboration between artists, architects and curator (2007) paper (refereed) at: “Architecture, Urbanism and Curatorship” 4th annual AHRA international conference, Kingston University, UK. Bohn, Villalonga, Y. and Viljoen
The Urban Farming Project Middlesbrough (2007) public talk at: The Dott07 Design Festival, Newcastle, UK. Viljoen, Barrie, D. and Bohn
Agriculture without external inputs: The Cuban Experience (2007) keynote at: the Soil Association’s 60th anniversary conference “One Planet Agriculture”, Cardiff, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape as essential infrastructure (2006) paper (refereed) at: Convención Científica de Ingeniería Y Arcquitectura, Havana, Cuba. Viljoen, Bohn and Peña Diaz, J.
Urban farming and Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (2006) public talk at: DOTT07 (Design of The Times) “Explorers Club” Newcastle, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
Green space network connections and CPULs (2005) public talk at: “Green Places” seminar at the Cityscape Conference London, UK. Bohn and Viljoen
Edible Cities and CPUL (2005) invited presentation at: Ash Sakula Architects’ “Summer Evenings” London, UK. Bohn
Infrastructure-based solutions: Urban and peri-urban agriculture (2005) paper (refereed) at: The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA) “Food Security” international conference, University College Dublin, Ireland. Viljoen and Bohn
Dont’t forget the food: Rural agriculture and urban agriculture (2005) paper at: Littoral Rural Design Forum conference “Architecture and Agriculture”, DEFRA Conference Centre York, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Measures of regeneration (2004) paper (refereed) at: Congress CATH 2004 “Philosophy of Architecture/Architecture of Philosophy” Bradford, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Productive Urban Landscapes (2003) paper at: International Federation of Housing and Planning Spring Conference London, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban Nature (2) (2001) paper (refereed) at: Architecture Week “Urban Nature Conference” at London Metropolitan University, UK. Bohn
Urban Nature (2) (2001) paper (refereed) at: Architecture Week “Urban Nature Conference” at London Metropolitan University, UK. Viljoen
Urban Nature (2) (2001) conference during “London Architecture Week” at: London Metropolitan University, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban Intensification and the Integration of Productive Landscape (2000) paper (refereed) at: “World Renewable Energy” conference, Brighton, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Urban Agriculture and the Sustainable City (2000) paper (refereed) at: “Building for Sustainable Development” International Solar Energy Society Conference (C74), London, UK. Viljoen and Bohn
Houman, B., Bayoudh, H., Malki, Bousselmi, L., Bouziri, L., and Sbei, H. (edited by Katrin Bohn) (2023) Towards an Edible Carthage: Developing an inclusive, healthy, vibrant and resilient city. Carthage: Municipality of Carthage, Tunisia. Bohn >>> In French and English
Image: (Draft) cover of the CPUL book (source: Bohn&Viljoen 2004)