INVITE: Start of the gardening season at Spiel/Feld Marzahn
The first seeds are already in the ground in the “big bed” at the Spiel/Feld community garden in Berlin’s northernmost borough of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. And in two days happens the community association’s first Spring meeting.
Please be invited to the gardeners’ meeting of Spiel/Feld Marzahn e.V. this Wednesday, 10th of April 2019, at 4pm.
We want to look at the garden year ahead and reflect on the year that has passed, we want to discuss events and dates and the everyday of our gardening work. If the weather is fine, we meet at the garden, if it is not, we meet right next door in the cafe of Familienhaus Felix. With this invitation, we want to especially reach out to everybody who wants to join our neighbourhood group of active gardeners.
And now the invitation in German / Und nun die Einladung auf deutsch:
Hiermit laden wir ein zum Vereinsmeeting des Spiel/Feld Marzahn e.V. an diesem Mittwoch, 10. April, um 16 Uhr.
Wir wollen gemeinsam auf das neue Gartenjahr schauen und das alte Revue passieren lassen, wir wollen Feste und Termine besprechen und das Alltägliche unserer Gartenarbeit. Bei gutem Wetter treffen wir uns auf dem Feld, ansonsten im Felix Familiencafé. Mit dieser Einladung wenden wir uns auch besonders an die, die gern zu unserer Nachbarschaftsgruppe aktiver GärtnerInnen hinzukommen möchten.
Katrin Bohn, during her time as guest professor at the Technical University Berlin (TUB), co-initiated this project in 2011 with local residents and TUB landscape architecture Master’s students, supported by the local council and funded by the Senate of Berlin.
For further information see the project’s own website.
For information on the Department City & Food at TU Berlin see here.
Image: One of the three distinct planting beds is a school garden tended by local primary school and nursery children. (source: Bohn&Viljoen 2018)