INVITE: Unlocking the potential of Urban Agriculture
On 29th March starts the two-day online FACTS Conference organised by the European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA). The conference will collect, conceptualize and highlight local and global experiences of Urban Agriculture, starting from the perspective of Rome, thanks to a collaboration with the FAO. It aims to open the door to further networks and activities. Broad themes will cover Urban Agriculture and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), knowledge sharing with Less Developed Countries (LDCs), challenges within the Mediterranean and the Maghreb Regions and UA in the post pandemic era.
In particular, the conference will focus on * Networking and roundtable sessions; * Typologies and benefits of Urban Agriculture (UA); * EU policies and UA; Urban planning perspectives on UA; * Story telling on Urban Agriculture, using film and media content and * Local initiatives in the Rome area, including urban farms and gardens.
Katrin Bohn participates in the event in her role as member of the EFUA Innovation Board.
The European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA) is a 4-year project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and is running from 2020-2024. EFUA’s objectives are to unlock Urban Agriculture’s potential through achieving better networking, better knowledge, better deployment and better policies in the field. Through establishing an Urban Agriculture (UA) Forum, it aims to develop new levels of stakeholder engagement to inform decision making and to mainstream Urban Agriculture into European, regional and local policy. EFUA’s workflow is organised around “quad helix” principles, culminating in public conferences and the co-design of an UA vision. The EFUA H2020 project is coordinated through the Chair and Institute of Landscape Architecture at RWTH – Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany).
You can register for the conference online at:
For more information on the conference see here.
For information on the European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA) see here.
Image: Aerial of an urban agriculture project in Oslo (EFUA conference program 2022)