Berlin Senate competitive tender for community garden strategy
We are pleased to have heard today that a team led by landscape architecture practice Parzelle X and comprising Katrin Bohn as consultant was selected into the last round of a competitive tender by the Senate of Berlin.
If successful, the team will be working for the next one and a half years with local stakeholders and the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz] to co-develop a strategy for the integration of the capital’s more than 200 community gardens into the city’s green infrastructure.
The team also includes social ecologist Nina Fuchs, two local community gardeners and graphic designer Susanne Ritzmann.
The project can be seen as the next step in the realisation of a resolution of the Berlin House of Deputies aimed at rooting community gardening in the city, as well as a concrete measure to implement Berlin’s Charta für das Berliner Stadtgrün, a charter drawn up by the Berlin Senate ‘to ensure that urban development is also green development’.
The communication platform Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün – Gemeinschaftsgärtnern that the AG Stadt & Ernährung – including Katrin – developed with local stakeholders for the Berlin Senate from December 2018 to December 2019 was the first step in the realisation of the same resolution of the Berlin House of Deputies. The platform provides an overview of the more than 200 community gardens in Berlin, as well as the possibility to exchange information with each other and with the Senate Administration.
Katrin was one of the two members of the AG Stadt & Ernährung to be involved with this project.
Now, the tender went out for the co-development of a strategy aiming at the ‘promotion of existing and new community gardens in Berlin. More people should be able to garden’!