New publication Urban Design for Food Systems out now
We are happy to share the announcement (on 7th July) of a special issue of Urban Design International on “Urban Design for Food Systems” that June Komisar and Joe Nasr guest edited.
Extract from the issue’s introduction:
The focus of this special issue of Urban Design International is […] the food system, recognizing that this is a key component of the urban environment—both built and unbuilt—which is shaped by many participants as well as structural factors. In the past decade, a number of publications as well as projects have shone a light on the role of design relative to various aspects of urban food systems, in particular, urban agriculture (Viljoen et al. 2005; de la Salle and Holland 2010; Gorgolewski et al. 2011; Nasr and Komisar 2012). The broader food system approach enables the inclusion in this issue of articles that span a range of topics, from growing, to processing, distributing, marketing, and managing the waste stream. The shaping of the urban environment through the integration of many disciplines, from landscape design to transportation planning, includes the food system as a key component.
(Komisar and Nasr 2019)
Introduction chapter published in the journal: URBAN DESIGN International, special issue Urban Design for Food Systems, vol. 24, issue 2 (2019).
The publication can be found here.
Image: Cover of the publication (source: Urban Design International www 2019)