Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category Transnational Populist Politics

This British Academy funded project secures a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the left, in Latin America and Europe.
The collaboration is distinguished by its comparative and theoretical methodologies. The populisms of the two continents are brought into dialogue, while discourse- theoretical tools are deployed to contrast the ideological signifiers, political strategies and socio-economic policies of populist movements.

Populisms in Brazil: Bolsonaro and Lula – Lucas Garcia Workshop

  Populisms in Brazil: the cases of Bolsonaro and Lula Brazil is a complex country full of particularities. In this century, it experienced one of the greatest social advances in its history during the first decade, followed by the rise… Continue Reading →

Corridor myths and other infrastructural stories: Reading Gaza’s future through a critical logistics lens

  Dr Sharri Plonski, QMUL This talk attempts to contend with the architects and architectures of genocide in Gaza through three ‘corridor stories’ that have become part of our public purview: ‘the Netzarim and Philadelphi corridors’, the ‘Gaza maritime humanitarian… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Theorising Transnational Populism

18-19 January 2018 CAPPE, University of Brighton and Cátedra Libre Ernesto Laclau, University of Buenos Aires supported by the British Academy) Thursday 18 January 10.00am -10.30am: Introductory Comments: Transnational Populist Politics? Paula Biglieri (University of Buenos Aires) and Mark Devenney… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Theorising Transnational Populist Politics

15th Jun 2017 This event was part of a British Academy funded project which aims to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →

Workshop | The Socio-Economic Policies of Southern European Populists

13-20 March 2017 This workshop was part of a British Academy funded project which aims to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →

Workshop | The Socio-Economic Policies of Latin American Populism Workshop, University of Buenos Aires

5-7 December 2016 This workshop was part of a British Academy funded project which aimed to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →

Conference | Populist Politics & Neoliberal Reactions, Buenos Aires

5th – 6th December 2016 | University of Buenos Aires Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (CAPPE) (University of Brighton), Catedra Ernesto Laclau, (University of Buenos Aires) and the British Academy Under the project “Theorising Transnational Populist Politics” carried… Continue Reading →

Book Launch | “Crowds and Party” by Jodi Dean

19th March 2016 As part of the Theorising Transnational Politics project, and in anticipation of panels taking place at the annual Political Studies Association conference, a one-day workshop was held with Jodi Dean to discuss and critically examine her book,… Continue Reading →

Workshop | The Politics of Populism

17 – 18 March 2016 Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (CAPPE) (University of Brighton), Catedra Ernesto Laclau, (University of Buenos Aires) and the British Academy The Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton, and “Cátedra… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Understanding Radical Politics Today: Theories and Practices of Resistance

3rd December 2015 Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (CAPPE) (University of Brighton), Catedra Ernesto Laclau, (University of Buenos Aires) and the British Academy This CAPPE workshop invited scholars working in the area of radical politics to discuss and… Continue Reading →

Public Lecture | 12 Years of Populist Politics in Argentina by Paula Biglieri

1st December 2015 | Old Courtroom, Brighton

Theorising Transnational Politics | Project Launch, Buenos Aires

8th October 2015 | University of Buenos Aires Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (CAPPE) (University of Brighton), Catedra Ernesto Laclau, (University of Buenos Aires) and the British Academy International Subjects and Emancipations within the Post-Marxist Field The “International… Continue Reading →

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