Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category 2016-17 | The Politics of Sex and Gender

Oppressed People are on the Move: the Global Politics of British Black Power

John Narayan, University of Warwick 21 November 2017 The history of the US Black Power movement and its constituent groups such as the Black Panther Party has recently gone through a process of historical reappraisal, which challenges the characterisation of… Continue Reading →

How to talk about gender based and sexual violence in the Middle East? Dilemmas for transnational feminist solidarity

Nadje Al-Ali, SOAS, University of London 28 March, 2017 My paper attempts to intervene in feminist debates about how to approach and analyse sexual and wider gender-based violence in Iraq specifically and the Middle East more generally. Recognizing the significance… Continue Reading →

The Confidence Cult: Gender, media and the neoliberalizing of subjectivity

Rosalind Gill, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at City, University of London. 21 March 2017 To be self-confident is the new imperative of our time. It is seen in multiple domains: in education, in public health, in finance, in… Continue Reading →

Who’s Afraid of Andrea Dworkin? Feminism and the Analytic Philosophy of Sex

Katharine Jenkins, University of Nottingham 7 March 2017 The nature of sexual desire has been a topic of profound interest to feminist theorists for some time, and certainly in the latter half of the 20th century. Yet this body of… Continue Reading →

Sexual Rights / Sexual Politics

Tom Claes (University of Gent)   7 February 2017 The post WWII era has seen the emergence of a widely embraced human rights discourse and activism. Human rights were later on applied to specific groups and specific sectors, such as… Continue Reading →

Complicity and Transgender Politics

Conny Wächter, Ruhr University, Bochum 6 December, 2016 Transgender politics are suffused with rhetorics of complicity. To name but a few examples, especially in radical feminist and queer circles, trans women are frequently accused of complicity in  patriarchal ideology and… Continue Reading →

Women, Biology, Technology: The Dialectic of Sex Revisited

Vicky Margree, University of Brighton 22 November 2016 Shulamith Firestone’s The Dialectic of Sex burst onto the feminist scene in 1970 and proved immediately controversial. The book’s key thesis is that the origins of women’s oppression lie in biology: specifically,… Continue Reading →

Sexual Consent: A Necessary Fiction?

Paul Reynolds (Edge Hill University)   15 November 2016 Much research that intersections sexual violence, sexual politics and sexual ethics sits on the cornerstone of sexual consent – the ethical ‘golden mean’ of sex. Consent is at the centre of… Continue Reading →

Pornography: The Performance of Sexual Freedom

Heather Brunskell-Evans (King’s College, London) 25 October 2016 The narrative of radical sexual politics is that pornography has the potential to liberate individuals from traditional mores and values which repress sexuality. In this view pornographic sex is ‘sex-in-the-raw’ stripped of… Continue Reading →

“Pro-choice” and the limits of reproductive autonomy

Arianne Shahvisi, Brighton & Sussex Medical School 11 October 2016 “Pro-choice” has assumed a rhetorical power which over-reaches the moral arguments from which it originates. As the term is co-opted to dovetail with consumer capitalist logics, in line with a… Continue Reading →

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