The Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics was founded in 2005. It researches the links between philosophy, critical theory, global ethics, other disciplines and the wider public.

Rigorous intervention in the public arena aims to extend the practice of philosophy beyond its academic boundaries. We host regular public events bringing debates in contemporary philosophy, politics and ethics to a wider audience. As an interdisciplinary centre CAPPE works with colleagues across the university, in the City of Brighton where we are based and with institutions across the globe. Our collaborative work and partnerships extend from Brighton to Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Ghent, Johannesburg, San Francisco, Verona and many other institutions.

The Centre is open both to collaborative proposals, whether small- or large-scale, and to proposals to join CAPPE as a Visiting Fellow from periods between one-week and a year. Anyone interested in working with us should contact the Director, Dr Mark Devenney:

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