Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category Annual Conference

Call for papers: Radical Disability Politics: A Global Dialogue

CAPPE 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 8th, 9th, 10th September Online   Over the past decade, the cumulative brutalities of various crises, austerity measures and organised abandonment through the Covid-19 pandemic, have pushed disabled people and activists in many parts of the world to re-assess… Continue Reading →

Disrupting Climate Politics: Radical Perspectives for Global Environmental Transformations. CAPPE international conference 2022

CAPPE’s 17th annual international, interdisciplinary conference August 31-September 2, 2022 The urgency of the climate emergency has seen a wide range of political responses over recent decades. Many struggles are fought by marginalised groups and those most acutely affected by… Continue Reading →

The Politics of Reproduction. CAPPE international conference 2021

CAPPE 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 15-17 September 2021 The conference was held online and was entirely free to attend. Recent years have witnessed renewed interest in the politics of reproduction and care in a wide range of fields, in response… Continue Reading →

After the ‘End of History’: Philosophy, History, Culture, Politics. CAPPE international conference 2019.

11 – 13 September 2019 Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, this conference looks both backwards and forwards to explore the legacies of 1989. Francis Fukuyama famously claimed that this moment marked the “End of History”: an… Continue Reading →

Philosophy, Politics and Ethics in Contention. CAPPE international conference 2018

12 – 14 September 2018 Philosophy in the twenty-first century has been reinvigorated by a set of disputes which both challenge its disciplinary status and open up new areas of contention. Some argue that philosophy is not a site of… Continue Reading →

Empire, Capital and Transnational Resistance. CAPPE international conference 2017

13-15 September, 2017 The past decade has witnessed widespread resistance to neoliberalism across the world. Unlike the anti-colonial revolts of the 1950s and 1960s, this resistance has tended either to fizzle out or to be appropriated by states. This conference… Continue Reading →

Radical Interventions: Politics, Culture, Society. CAPPE international conference 2016

Wednesday 7th – Friday 9th September 2016 Ever since the 1970s, it is often claimed, radicalism has been in decline. But has it? Isn’t the neoliberal revolution then initiated itself genuinely radical? To ask this question is to ask, in… Continue Reading →

Utopias. CAPPE international conference 2015.

Wednesday 2 – Friday 4 September 2015 10th Annual, International, Interdisciplinary Conference Keynote Speaker: Owen Hatherley The idea of utopia was always been two faced. On the one hand it was the place that is no place (u-topos) – the… Continue Reading →

Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. CAPPE international conference 2014

CAPPE 9th Annual, International, Interdisciplinary Conference Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th September 2014 Keynote speaker: Imogen Tyler Lancaster University, author of Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain “The Stigma Doctrine: neoliberalism in everyday life” Theatre Performance: Dear TINA:… Continue Reading →

Representation, Politics and Violence. CAPPE international conference 2013

Wednesday 11 to Friday 13 September 2013 The years since “9/11” have seen conflicts arising across the world: repeated protests and riots against austerity; violent conflicts during the various uprisings against dictatorial rule in the Middle East and in other… Continue Reading →

Riot, Revolt, Revolution. CAPPE international conference 2012

Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th September 2012 It is very rare for societies or institutions to change unless they are confronted by specific forms of resistance. This conference investigates those moments of historical change when existing orders are put into… Continue Reading →

The “9/11” Decade: Rethinking Reality. CAPPE international conference 2011

Wednesday 31 August – Friday 2 September 2011 It is no exaggeration to claim that the politics of the last decade have their origin in one event: the hijacking and flying of passenger aircraft into the World Trade Centre and… Continue Reading →

Politics of Fear; Fear of Politics. CAPPE international conference 2010

Wednesday 15 – Friday 17 September 2010   Keynote speaker: Joanna Bourke We live in a world that is dominated by fear. We are increasingly afraid to walk in our city streets, populated as they are by feral youths, drug-dealers and… Continue Reading →

The Politics of Space and Place. CAPPE international conference 2009

Wednesday 16 – Friday 18 September 2009 The publication from the conference The Politics of Space and Place (2012) is available free online. Summary of the conference  Building on the success of CAPPE’s previous annual conferences, this year’s was bigger… Continue Reading →

What’s the Big Deal about Democracy? CAPPE international conference 2008

Monday 8th – Wednesday 10th September 2008 It is widely assumed that it is simply self-evident that democracy is the best system of government that anyone has yet devised: admittedly imperfect, but better than anything else. But why? What exactly… Continue Reading →

Interrogating Terror. CAPPE international conference 2007

12-14 September 2007 Where once it was the ‘Cold War’ whose ideological demands and material determinations shaped the structures, priorities and directions of all our lives, today it is the ‘War on Terrorism’. ‘The End of History,’ the death of… Continue Reading →

Medicine and the Body Politic. CAPPE inaugural conference 2006.

21st Sep 2006 – 22nd Sep 2006 CAPPE’s inaugural, international, interdiscipinary conference addressed the politics of medicine, of health and of bodies in relation to contemporary political systems. It was concerned in particular with: the ethical and political consequences of… Continue Reading →

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