17 – 18 March 2016

Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (CAPPE) (University of Brighton),
Catedra Ernesto Laclau, (University of Buenos Aires) and the British Academy

The Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton, and “Cátedra Libre Ernesto Laclau”, University of Buenos Aires, invited scholars and political actors to the second international workshop of the Theorising Transnational Populist Politics project. This workshop was focused on the politics of populism in Southern Europe.

This event was part of a British Academy funded project which aims to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the left in Latin America and Europe. It was jointly hosted by the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Brighton.


Thursday 17th of March

Introduction | 10.30am | Paula Biglieri & Mark Devenney Welcoming Remarks

Session 1 | 10.45am-12.15am | Theoretical Questions: Is Populist Politics Radical Politics?

Oliver Marchart (University of Vienna) | In the Name of the People

Luciana Cadahia (University of Ecudor) |  “Mediación y Negatividad: resituar la dialéctica  desde la teoría populista” (Mediation and Negativity: Resituating Dialectics from the Theory of Populism) 

Session 2 | 12.30am-13.30pm | The Populisms of Southern Europe: Podemos & Syriza

Pepe Ema (Podemos) | ¿Pueden convivir feminismo y populismo? La experiencia de Podemos (Can feminism and populism work together? The case of Podemos)


Lunch | 13.30pm-3.00pm


Session 3 | 3.00pm-4.30pm | Theoretical Questions: Populist Equivalence and the Hegemony of Finance Capital

Mark Devenney (University of Brighton) | Transnational Populism and the Politics of Debt

Luis Blengino (University of Buenos Aires) |  Poshistoria, religión y populismo: una reflexión sobre la resistencia popular desde la óptica foucaulteana”(Posthistory, Religion and Populism: An Account of Popular Resistance from a Foucaultian perspective)  

Session 4 | 5.00pm-6.30pm | Populism in the Europe: UK & Greece

Anthony Leaker (University of Brighton) | Corbyn the Populist: An Examination of the Relation Between Corbynism and European Populism

Giorgos Katsembekis (University of Thessaloniki) | A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of Syriza’s Populism

Friday 18th of March

Session 5 | 11.30am-1.30pm | Electoral Failure and Populist Resistance: Argentina and Venezuela

Ignacio Pehuén Romani: (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes) | Desencriptando la hegemonía local (Uncrypting Local Hegemony)

Paula Biglieri (University of Buenos Aires) | The Limits of Populism: Radical Politics At Stake

Alexandros Kioupkiolis (University of Thessaloniki) | Leadership, Horizontalism, and Post-democracy in Chávez’s Venezuela


Lunch | 1.30pm-3.00pm


Session 6 | 3.00pm-4.30pm |  Comparative Reflections: The Politics of the Left and Populism’s Limits

Clare Woodford (University of Brighton) |  Politics or Populism?

Paula Biglieri (University of Buenos Aires) | Populist Politics after Electoral Failure: Argentina Today

Plenary | 5.00pm | Final Reflections 


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