Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics


News and Events

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September 2023

6.7, 8 September: Annual Conference: Eugenic Legacies and Anti-Eugenic Futures (Online only) CAPPE Symposium: The Politics of BrexLit with Maria Jastrzebska, Agnieska Dale and Kristian Shaw (Date to be confirmed)

June 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 07/06/2023: Workshop 3 with Professor Sam Chambers (Hopkins) and Professor Geoff Ingham (Cambridge) The Politics of Derivatives and Property further information TBC 13/06/2023: Doctoral… Continue Reading →

May 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 03/05/2023: A Joint CAPPE and CMNH one-day Symposium  In the Shadow of ‘Eugenic Thinking’: Legacies of Eugenics in the UK 9.30-5.30 Venue tbc… Continue Reading →

April 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 05/04/2023: CAPPE Symposium: On Relationalities: Politics, Narrative, Sociality with Professor Leticia Sabsay, Grand Parade, room TBC 05/04/2023: DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Steve Graby,… Continue Reading →

March 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 8th,9th,10th/03/2023: CAPPE March Conference:  Unliveable Time KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Harmut Rosa and Eva von Redeker 15/03/2023 – DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Ioana Cerasella Chis,… Continue Reading →

February 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 02/02/2023: Public Lecture with Christophe Menke: A New Theory of Liberation 17.45 – 20.00Grand Parade, M2 03/02/2023: CAPPE Workshop with Christophe Menke: 10.00… Continue Reading →

January 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 16/01/2023: CAPPE WORKSHOP: The feminist Politics of Revolution in Iran Afternoon Seminar, VENUE TBC 18/01/2023: DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: National Coalition for Latinx… Continue Reading →

The Reinvigorated Social Model of Disability

14  December 2022 online Ellen Clifford  Disabled people in the UK have been subjected to brutal, targeted attacks by government since 2010, largely concealed from the public through spin, lies and strategic U-turns. In 2016 the UN found the UK… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers: On Relationalities: Politics, Narrative, Sociality

 The theme of relationality is now centre stage in contemporary political and social thought. From relational ontology to post-foundational ethics and black feminisms, relationality has far-reaching implications for debates in politics, ethics, and aesthetics. For this symposium we invite engagements… Continue Reading →

Activist Struggles During Bolsonaro’s Government in Brazil  

By Roxana Pessoa Cavalcanti, Guilherme Benzaquen, and Giovana Zucatto Throughout Bolsonaro’s government, Brazil experienced protests and disputes against the government’s mishandling of responses to the COVID19 pandemic and, against attempts to escalate authoritarian practices that promote extractive capitalism at the… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers: Unlivable time: Understanding and Resisting Neoliberal Temporalities

Call for Papers  Our contemporary world is paradoxical insofar as, citing Hartmut Rosa, “the more time we save, the less we have”. No matter how fast we rush from one activity to the next, regardless of the refined logistics and the myriad… Continue Reading →

Events Calendar 2022/23

For this year we have identified a set of priorities for our CAPPE work, and thus for the areas that we fund from the annual allocation. CAPPE will continue to support existing work, with both PhD students and staff, and… Continue Reading →

Report – Populism Specialist Group annual workshop

In collaboration with CAPPE, the Populism Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association held its sixth annual workshop in Brighton on 22-23 September, 2022. This was the first in-person workshop held since 2019, although the post-pandemic developments meant that the… Continue Reading →

Disrupting Climate Politics: Radical Perspectives for Global Environmental Transformations. CAPPE international conference 2022

CAPPE’s 17th annual international, interdisciplinary conference August 31-September 2, 2022 The urgency of the climate emergency has seen a wide range of political responses over recent decades. Many struggles are fought by marginalised groups and those most acutely affected by… Continue Reading →

Report on Sonic Rebellions: Sound and Social Justice Conference

By Alice O’Malley-Woods What is the relationship between sound and social justice? In May 2022, University of Brighton hosted Sonic Rebellions (CAPPE sponsored), a two day conference designed and managed by rapper and PhD researcher Wanda Canton. The interdisciplinary conference… Continue Reading →

Russia’s War in Ukraine. Professor Neil Robinson.

Russia’s War in Ukraine. Professor Neil Robinson. Tuesday 8th of March, 17.00-18.30 on Teams  The unprecedented invasion of Ukraine has left all of us shocked, uncertain how to respond and worried about millions of people caught in a war they… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Conference. Sonic Rebellions. Sound and Social Justice

Sonic Rebellions What is the relationship between sound and social justice? 27th and 28th May 2022 University of Brighton A two-day event hosting a variety of speakers, panels and workshops including academics, artists, and activists. Our keynote speaker is rapper… Continue Reading →

Workshop | The Politics of Disability and Research Accessibility

7 February 2022 Workshop: The Politics of Disability and Research Accessibility With Luke Beesley This workshop will be run as a hybrid event, with colleagues able to ‘call in’ from home if that’s where they need to be. This workshop welcomes… Continue Reading →

The Politics of Reproduction. CAPPE international conference 2021

CAPPE 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 15-17 September 2021 The conference was held online and was entirely free to attend. Recent years have witnessed renewed interest in the politics of reproduction and care in a wide range of fields, in response… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Disability Politics After Covid: ‘Back to Normal’ or Forward to Liberation?

Friday July 16th, online After a decade of intense assault on the social and civil rights of disabled people in the name of austerity, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a further devaluation of disabled people’s lives. Beyond the horrific… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Public Lecture – Being Born – Alison Stone

CAPPE – Chantal Mouffe Keynote Address – Democracy and/or Populsim

CAPPE Workshop: Ghosts of Property 26-27/05/21

CAPPE Workshop: New Developments in Post-Foundational Thought 05/05/21

New Developments in Post-Foundational Thought 13.30: German Primera: The Political Ontology of Giorgio Agamben 14.45: Clare Woodford: Towards a Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence/Disorienting Democracy 16.00: Oliver Marchart: Thinking Antagonism 17.15: Mark Devenney: Towards an Improper Politics 18.30: Paula Biglieri and… Continue Reading →

Being Born: Birth & Philosophy – 19/05/21 – Workshop & Lecture

Democracy and Populism: Equality, Truth and Disagreement In The Age of Covid

18 -23 January 2021 University of Brighton UK, online  This conference invited reflection on the relationship between Democracy and Populism; and consideration of new developments in democratic theory and politics in the twenty-first century. This is all the more pertinent… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Open Discussion on Universities & IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

Online Workshop Explores Marginalised Histories of Radical Politics and Transnational Solidarity in the Long 1960s

By Struan Gray On 11-12 June 2020 an international group of academics participated in an online workshop, organised by the University of Brighton’s Radical Sixties research project. The workshop built on the success of the 2019 conference – Radical Sixties:… Continue Reading →

Adorno: Back to Commitment

Patricia McManus, University of Brighton 4 February 2020 This paper will return to Theodor Adorno’s understanding of a ‘committed’ literature and why he rejected (or had to reject) that notion of political engagement in favour of an understanding of what… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Workshop | 10/02/20 | Badiou and Communicable Worlds: A Critical Introduction to Logics of Worlds

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