Week 7 :: Eian Kantor, The Object, Eternally Yours & Micheal Landy

This week I wanted to continue researching into other artists that were looking at objects in a conceptual way as well as looking at publications and articles that were exploring the relationship between objects and mass consumption.

Eian Kantor is an New York photographer whose work on conveying his subjects in their most natural form portrayed through several of his collection titled ‘Found sculptures’ and ‘(don’t)look down: 512 discarded cigarette boxes’. Similar to Guy Batey, this collection of images is a exploration of the object not in their natural environment. Although Batey and Kantors work are similar, Kantor has worked on using 2 mediums, phone and camera, which is reflected in the quality of the images and vibrancy of them.  

Micheal Landy is a British Artist whose work titled ‘Break Down’ 2001 and ‘Art Bin’ project in 2010 I found relevant as they both look at the idea of necessity and why we need our belongings. ‘Art Bin’ was a project created by Landy to question the role of value and the emotional attachment to objects. Landys ‘Break Down’ installation saw him collect everything he owned; 7,227 items in an empty shop in oxford street where you placed everything onto conveyor belts and destroyed every piece. By the end of the exhibition, Landy owned nothing but what he was wearing and saw the depletion of artist work he had accumulated as well as his own as a symbolic gesture to identifying the western cultures resistance in keeping what they own and contributing the mass consumption.

Eternally Yours 

Eternally Yours explores the ideas of how consumers forms relationships with objects the ways in which these relationship can become destructive or tainted by modern society and the fast paced movement of corporate industries.

The Object

Similar to Eternally yours, The object looks at different areas of how an object contextualise itself into materialistic society. Objects are used by the consumer to signify the direction and individual is taking and identifying our own needs however, The Object further explain how objects have an initial identifier, the meaning of their purpose.

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