Week 4 :: Maisie Cousins :: William Farr :: Vilde Rolfsen

Maisie Cousins 


William Farr


Vilde Rolfsen


I decided to look at artists that manipulated waste into new art pieces. Maisie Cousins is a British artist who uses food waste to create vulgar, but beautifully engaging imagery, incorporating colour and texture with strong stylisation. William Farr is an artist that creates consumer waste into large sculptures, with his most recent work featuring in Selfridges window displays . Much like Maisie Cousins, Farrs work is chaotic with a contrasting minimalism that runs throughout with the main body of his work. The accent of colour and the combination of man made and natural objects work well with conveying a strong tactility within his work. Vilde Rolfsen uses plastic bags to make etherial scenes, using external lighting and colour.

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