The Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender currently welcomes three main types of members:

  • Staff: (Research active) staff at the University of Brighton
  • Student: Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students at the University of Brighton
  • Associate: Individuals external to the University of Brighton who have reason to establish a research relationship with the CTSG

If you do not fit in to the above categories, you are still welcome to join our mailing list to stay up to date on what’s happening within the centre through our monthly newsletter.


Join our Mailing List

External members of the public are welcome to join our mailing list, which will allow you to receive our newsletter and stay up to date on what’s going on within the Centre.


To Apply:

Please email us at and let us know that you would like to be signed up to our mailing list. You can email us again at any time to be removed.