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We host two types of visiting research fellows here in the CTSG.
- International Visiting Research Fellowships – A funded call opens every September and closes in November [2024 call now closed]
- Visiting Research Fellowships – Open all year round but fellows must fund their own visits.
Our Visiting Research Fellow scheme (including International), enables scholars to spend time at the Centre for Transforming Sexuality & Gender (CTSG) located in Brighton (UK) to pursue their research within the themes of the CTSG and form new collaborations with staff and student members.
The CTSG is a research centre with a strong local, national, and international reputation for interdisciplinary, community-focused and impactful research. Take a look at a selection of our research projects for more information.
Researchers associated with the Centre engage in interdisciplinary and cross-campus collaborations including work within the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, School of Applied Social Science, School of Art & Media, School of Education, Sport, and Health Sciences, School of Humanities and other disciplines such as Human Geography and Sports Science.
Please see our website for an overview of members’ research profiles. We have a vibrant research community where both researchers and PhD students benefit from a rich programme of research seminars, workshops, invited international speakers and guest speakers from NGOs or the creative arts, to mention a few. The Centre has growing research grant attainment and enduring partnerships with community organisations and universities in the UK and internationally.
The aims of the visiting research fellow scheme are to:
- offer opportunities for external researchers to work collaboratively with CTSG staff
- provide a stimulating intellectual environment for advancing collaborative grant development or co-authoring with staff, which is particularly encouraged
- provide external researchers with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the research culture of the CTSG
- foster international networks within gender and sexualities research
- give visiting researchers a platform for presenting their current or emerging work.
We encourage researchers working in the following areas to apply:
- LGBTQIA+ lives and communities
- Health, care, and wellbeing
- Gendered inequalities
You can read about the work of current and previous Visiting Fellows here.
For the International Research Fellow scheme, travel, accommodation and fellowship-related research costs up to £2000 are available to support the visit but no salary or stipend is paid. Call for applications open in September each year. For self-funding visiting research fellows, applications are open year round, but places are limited. Please contact us if you wish to consider this option.
All visiting research fellows will have access to:
- a University of Brighton campus card, which enables access to University facilities
- access to Information Services (including libraries) and to computer, printing and copying facilities
- access to UoB specialised licensed software if appropriate
- a University of Brighton email address
- contact with your sponsor, who will be a member of the academic staff
- attendance at general seminars and open lectures
- potential to host a seminar within the University and present research findings to staff and students before the visit ends.
Applicants should ensure that they address the following criteria in their application:
- ambition to immerse themselves and contribute to the CTSG research culture
- include a proposed talk or workshop to be delivered during their stay/time with the CTSG
- articulate the fit between their project and the CTSG themes
- contribute towards the centre’s international networks
Potential applicants are welcome to contact the Centre to informally discuss their application. Enquiries should be directed to
When you have identified an academic at the CTSG who is willing to be your sponsor and agrees to support your application, your sponsor will provide your application forms and guidance documents and they will be your point of contact for completing them in full.
VRF applicants are advised to refer to the UKVI website to check whether they will need a visa or not. You can access the link here: