We are very pleased to welcome new leadership at the centre and very sad to see our former director move away from the university. After a magnificent effort at shaping and giving direction to a truly world-class centre for sexuality and gender related research, Olu Jenzen will be taking her vast skills and experience over to the University of Southampton as a professor.


Our new director is Professor Nigel Sheriff as of April 2024. He will be supported in the day-to-day running of the CORE by Deputy Director, Nick McGlynn. Both are long-term members of the centre’s steering committee and dedicated to preserving the excellent work we have been doing as well as promoting exciting new directions through their own research.

Nigel will also remain as Associate Dean Research for Knowledge Exchange at the University in the School of Sport and Health Sciences until July. He has a number of projects running concurrently, among them Health Counts 2024: A city wide health survey of Brighton & Hove.

His own research is driven strongly by a social justice agenda and covers public health and health promotion theory, policy, and practice. He directed the influential EVERYWHERE Project, European multi-sectoral network for the prevention of HIV/AIDS for men having sex with men which was then used in Japan.

He has worked as a researcher at the Trust for the Study of Adolescence (TSA) which was a charity and applied research and training organisation committed to improving the lives of young people. He moved to the International Health Development Research Centre (IHDRC) at the University of Brighton in 2007 and is now Professor of Public Health and Health Promotion as well as an accredited European Health Promotion Practitioner, a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.