Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Author Alice O'Malley-Woods

CAPPE Event – Riccardo Bellofiore, “What is it?” Intrinsic Value, Absolute Value, and Exploitation – 5th May 2023

In-person and online Room G4 in the Grand Parade building, 4.00 to 6.00, 5th May   Please contact z.sutherland@brighton.ac.uk with any accessibility requirements Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82936711099?pwd=R2k4TWRqNlhhT00waTJSNVBVb0RGZz09 Meeting ID: 829 3671 1099 Passcode: 148281    A key concept in Karl Marx’s critique of political… Continue Reading →

Neither Appropriated Nor Expropriated: Notes Towards an Autonomist Cripistemology of the ‘Productive Body’

10 May 2023 online Arianna Introna   In their The Productive Body François Guéry and Didier Deleule examine as central to the socialization of the labor-power contained in the biological body the mediation of what they call ‘the productive body’ (Guéry and… Continue Reading →

Identity, Work, and The Centrality of Disablement to the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations

29th March 2023 online Ioana Cerasella Chis This talk presents a series of arguments developed through the qualitative research project called ‘The Politics of Disablement and Precarious Work in the UK’. In the first part of the talk, I build… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

CAPPE is delighted to announce and introduce its new annual Undergraduate Dissertation Prize of £200, awarded to an outstanding dissertation, final project or performance, from any discipline across the University of Brighton, which speaks to our priority themes for the… Continue Reading →

Genetic Fictions: Imagining Disabled Lives in Contemporary Debates about Prenatal Diagnosis

8 February 2023 online Lucy Burke This talk will explore the complex entanglement of new reproductive technologies, genetics, health economics, rights-based discourses and ethical considerations of the value of human life with particular reference to representations of Down’s syndrome and… Continue Reading →

National Coalition for Latinx with Disabilities (CNLD)

18 January 2023 online It has been over 30 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed, but it has only been within the last decade that disabled Latinxs are becoming more visible and demanding disability justice. According… Continue Reading →

Call for papers: Radical Disability Politics: A Global Dialogue

CAPPE 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 8th, 9th, 10th September Online   Over the past decade, the cumulative brutalities of various crises, austerity measures and organised abandonment through the Covid-19 pandemic, have pushed disabled people and activists in many parts of the world to re-assess… Continue Reading →

July 2023

05/07/2023 – DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Kirstie Stage, Disabled People, Labour Markets and Exploitation in the late 20th Century

Interventions in Disability Politics Seminar Series 2022/23

This year CAPPE is hosting a series of monthly online talks on disability politics. These will take place on Wednesday evenings 6pm-7.30pm. Please contact z.sutherland@brighton.ac.uk with any general questions and/or accessibility requirements.   16th November – Luke Beesley, ‘Decades of… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers – In the Shadow of ‘Eugenic Thinking’: Legacies of Eugenics in the UK

  Call for Papers – In the Shadow of ‘Eugenic Thinking’: Legacies of Eugenics in the UK   A Joint CAPPE and CMNH one-day Symposium   3rd May, 9.30am-5.30pm, Room tbc   Online and in-person   This symposium will bring together… Continue Reading →

2 Day Event, ‘A Theory of Liberation’ with Dr Christoph Menke

Prof. Christoph Menke holds the Chair of Practical Philosophy at the Cluster of Excellence: Normative Orders and the Institute of Philosophy at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. The focus of his work is political philosophy, philosophy of law, morality, aesthetics, and the theory… Continue Reading →

September 2023

6.7, 8 September: Annual Conference: Eugenic Legacies and Anti-Eugenic Futures (Online only) CAPPE Symposium: The Politics of BrexLit with Maria Jastrzebska, Agnieska Dale and Kristian Shaw (Date to be confirmed)

June 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 07/06/2023: Workshop 3 with Professor Sam Chambers (Hopkins) and Professor Geoff Ingham (Cambridge) The Politics of Derivatives and Property further information TBC 13/06/2023: Doctoral… Continue Reading →

May 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 03/05/2023: A Joint CAPPE and CMNH one-day Symposium  In the Shadow of ‘Eugenic Thinking’: Legacies of Eugenics in the UK 9.30-5.30 Venue tbc… Continue Reading →

April 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 05/04/2023: CAPPE Symposium: On Relationalities: Politics, Narrative, Sociality with Professor Leticia Sabsay, Grand Parade, room TBC 05/04/2023: DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Steve Graby,… Continue Reading →

March 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 8th,9th,10th/03/2023: CAPPE March Conference:  Unliveable Time KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Harmut Rosa and Eva von Redeker 15/03/2023 – DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Ioana Cerasella Chis,… Continue Reading →

February 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 02/02/2023: Public Lecture with Christophe Menke: A New Theory of Liberation 17.45 – 20.00Grand Parade, M2 03/02/2023: CAPPE Workshop with Christophe Menke: 10.00… Continue Reading →

January 2023

Doctoral Reading Group and Workshop: 12.30-14.00 in The Waste House, Grand Parade (Every Thursday in term time) 16/01/2023: CAPPE WORKSHOP: The feminist Politics of Revolution in Iran Afternoon Seminar, VENUE TBC 18/01/2023: DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: National Coalition for Latinx… Continue Reading →

The Reinvigorated Social Model of Disability

14  December 2022 online Ellen Clifford  Disabled people in the UK have been subjected to brutal, targeted attacks by government since 2010, largely concealed from the public through spin, lies and strategic U-turns. In 2016 the UN found the UK… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers: On Relationalities: Politics, Narrative, Sociality

 The theme of relationality is now centre stage in contemporary political and social thought. From relational ontology to post-foundational ethics and black feminisms, relationality has far-reaching implications for debates in politics, ethics, and aesthetics. For this symposium we invite engagements… Continue Reading →

Activist Struggles During Bolsonaro’s Government in Brazil  

By Roxana Pessoa Cavalcanti, Guilherme Benzaquen, and Giovana Zucatto Throughout Bolsonaro’s government, Brazil experienced protests and disputes against the government’s mishandling of responses to the COVID19 pandemic and, against attempts to escalate authoritarian practices that promote extractive capitalism at the… Continue Reading →

Join as a visiting scholar

We are happy to work with prospective colleagues seeking institutional or other funding; and may be able to offer limited financial support in certain cases, especially where access to other funding is limited. Anyone who is interested in working with… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers: Unlivable time: Understanding and Resisting Neoliberal Temporalities

Call for Papers  Our contemporary world is paradoxical insofar as, citing Hartmut Rosa, “the more time we save, the less we have”. No matter how fast we rush from one activity to the next, regardless of the refined logistics and the myriad… Continue Reading →

Events Calendar 2022/23

For this year we have identified a set of priorities for our CAPPE work, and thus for the areas that we fund from the annual allocation. CAPPE will continue to support existing work, with both PhD students and staff, and… Continue Reading →


Members of CAPPE University of Brighton staff and postgraduate research students (doctoral and masters) with research interests relevant to CAEPPE’s aims, research themes and practices, and who would benefit from and contribute to our work, are welcome to join. Membership… Continue Reading →

PhD Study

CAPPE welcomes applications for PhD study around its three research strands: applied philosophy and ethics; critical theory and radical politics; and social movements and global politics. We  welcome students from professional backgrounds, for example in the arts, in the public… Continue Reading →

Report – Populism Specialist Group annual workshop

In collaboration with CAPPE, the Populism Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association held its sixth annual workshop in Brighton on 22-23 September, 2022. This was the first in-person workshop held since 2019, although the post-pandemic developments meant that the… Continue Reading →

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