Annukka Lahti, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Eastern Finland and Visiting Research Fellow, University of Sussex, presents a study into queer break-ups.
At 3-4 pm 19th May 2022 – City Campus, Grand Parade – Room G4.
Where the rainbow ends: The becoming of LGBTIAQ+ separations
Relationship break-ups among lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex, asexual and queer (LGBTIAQ+) people are a largely unresearched topic.
This study seeks to gain a deeper understanding of how LGBTIAQ+ people experience separations, what their life situations are after a separation and what kind of support they receive and/or wish they received during a separation. To highlight the importance of the cultural context, the study explores LGBTIAQ+ break-ups in two locations: Finland and the UK.
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