Grace will be reading from her forthcoming book Pleasure and Efficacy: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Trans Embodiment (Princeton University Press), on trans feminist rhetorics of technique. 

This live event runs from 3-4.30pm Grand Parade, University of Brighton.

Thereafter (from 5pm until 6pm) Grace Lavery will be at Waterstones, 71-74 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1ZA. (Map/details link: here 

Please register for the event at the University of Brighton: here.

Full details of this event will be sent after registration.


Grace Lavery is Associate Professor in the Department of English at UC Berkeley, and general editor of Transgender Studies Quarterly. She is the author of Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan (Princeton 2020), which won the NAVSA “Best Book of the Year” prize. She has two books forthcoming: Please Miss (Seal Press), an experimental memoir, and Pleasure and Efficacy: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Trans Embodiment (Princeton University Press), on trans feminist rhetorics of technique. Her essays have appeared in Critical Inquiry, Foreign Policy, Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, English Literary History, and elsewhere. She also writes a newsletter, The Wazzock’s Review, and is currently completing a book on the problem of narrative closure in the age of the sitcom. 

To find out more about Grace and her work, see her website: here