Throughout Queer History Month, the Queer Lit Podcast and the CTSG will be releasing a special collaboration: Through these podcast episodes you will get to meet some of the remarkable members of the CTSG and learn about their research and reading interests.

In conversation with international research fellow Dr Lena Mattheis, the CTSG guests cover topics ranging from the queer countryside and asexualities to bear bodies and nonbinary activism.

We link to featured “Meet the CTSG” episodes. See the map to go along with the recordings to see queer places in Brighton that are mentioned in the podcast and find out where the episodes were recorded.

Podcasts for February 2022: "Meet the CTSG" on the Queer Lit Podcast

Our Podcasting CTSG International Visiting Research Fellow (2022) : Dr Lena Mattheis in February 2022. See other interviews (not just those in the “Meet the CTSG” series) via Queer Lit Podcast

Meet the CTSG available now