The University of Brighton annual LGBTQ+ research undergraduate student final year dissertation/ project prize for University of Brighton Students is for any final year dissertation or project, submitted to any department or program in the University of Brighton, if it addresses a topic relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender studies.
The work should deal with a theoretical issue, practice or empirical aspect important to the field of sexualities, genders and LGBTQ+ Lives.
Bradley Rose was awarded this prize for the dissertation entitled: A Thematic Analysis : Men who have sex with men (MSM) living in Brighton and their perceptions towards Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PReP).
The prize awarding committee felt that this was an inspiring dissertation offering a detailed and empirically anchored critical analysis of a much debated and often stigmatized topic. The work offers a valuable perspective by focussing on the cultural and social aspects surrounding the practice of taking PReP. It engages with the local community in the ethos of the CTSG and one of the strengths of the dissertation is the self-reflexivity and researcher sensitivity towards the project participants and the groups in society the research concerns.
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