Populisms in Brazil: the cases of Bolsonaro and Lula Brazil is a complex country full of particularities. In this century, it experienced one of the greatest social advances in its history during the first decade, followed by the rise… Continue Reading →
In order to justify the adoption of harsh and unnecessary austerity measures, which were introduced without ethical approval, the Coalition administration elected in 2010 vehemently challenged the integrity of the chronically ill and disabled community and routinely accused disability benefit… Continue Reading →
Dr Sharri Plonski, QMUL This talk attempts to contend with the architects and architectures of genocide in Gaza through three ‘corridor stories’ that have become part of our public purview: ‘the Netzarim and Philadelphi corridors’, the ‘Gaza maritime humanitarian… Continue Reading →
Workshop: The Politics of Bordering. CAPONEU Project CAPPE (Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics) Tuesday 3rd of December Keynote speaker: Aleksandra Lewicki, Reader in Sociology and Co-Director of the Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex, UK. 9.00 AM –… Continue Reading →
27th March 2025 Kirstie Stage: Bridging the gap between Trade Unionism and the Disabled People’s Movement Deaf and disabled organisers have long been part of and contributed to the efforts of the British Labour Movement, notably through organisations such as… Continue Reading →
Workshop: The Politics of Bordering. CAPONEU Project CAPPE (Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics) Tuesday 3rd of December Keynote speaker: Aleksandra Lewicki, Reader in Sociology and Co-Director of the Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex, UK. … Continue Reading →
October 4-5, 2024, Vienna. The AHRC Wellbeing State network project critically investigates today’s wellbeing discourse that promises to update our conception of human flourishing as a resource to help collectively confront the challenges of the 21st century. It brings together… Continue Reading →
The University of Brighton will be hosting Professor Casullo through April and May 2024 as a Visiting Global Fellow. The programme of events in collaboration with CAPPE are listed below. For any questions please email Andy Knott: A.Knott@brighton.ac.uk Maria Esperanza… Continue Reading →
The University of Brighton’s Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics will be partnering with CAPONEU and the Brighton Book Festival for a week programme of events at Grand Parade City Campus, 18th- 23rd June. Please see the link here… Continue Reading →
CAPPE Workshop Commemoration: between aesthetics and politics with visiting scholar, Professor Alfonso Galindo Hervás April 16th 2024 | 10am-1pm | Mithras House, G30 If you are interested in joining online please use this Teams link The argument of this… Continue Reading →
Does looting threaten hegemony? An analysis based on a Brazilian case: Guilherme Benzaquen 15th April 2024, 12:30pm-2:30pm Mithras House G13 If you are interested in joining online, please use this Teams link Starting with the question “does looting threaten hegemony?”,… Continue Reading →
Sonic Rebellions II Sonic Rebellions is a network of artists, academics, and activists exploring the relationship between sound and social justice. Established in 2022, the first edited collection is soon to be published under Routledge, featuring chapters on soundwalks and… Continue Reading →
In November 2023, CAPPE welcomed Doctor Cristiano Gianolla from the University of Coimbra, Portugal presented his recent work about emotions and populism. PAPER TITLE: Populism and the Politics of Emotion The social sciences and humanities have generated copious but fragmented… Continue Reading →
7 February 2022 Workshop: The Politics of Disability and Research Accessibility With Luke Beesley This workshop will be run as a hybrid event, with colleagues able to ‘call in’ from home if that’s where they need to be. This workshop welcomes… Continue Reading →
Friday July 16th, online After a decade of intense assault on the social and civil rights of disabled people in the name of austerity, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a further devaluation of disabled people’s lives. Beyond the horrific… Continue Reading →
By Struan Gray On 11-12 June 2020 an international group of academics participated in an online workshop, organised by the University of Brighton’s Radical Sixties research project. The workshop built on the success of the 2019 conference – Radical Sixties:… Continue Reading →
9 January 2020 Robbie Shilliam, (Professor of International Relations, Department of Politics, John Hopkins, US) Abstract Abolish prisons; abolish police; abolish immigration enforcement: current “abolition” movements have yet to receive the attention that international political economy has given to its… Continue Reading →
February – May 2018 Week 1 7/2/18 — Postcolonial Critique (room 204, Pavillon Parade) Edward Said (1978) Orientalism. (Introduction, chapter 1 and conclusion) Week 2 14/2/18 — Subaltern Studies Chakrabarty, D. (2000) ‘A Small History of Subaltern Studies’… Continue Reading →
18-19 January 2018 CAPPE, University of Brighton and Cátedra Libre Ernesto Laclau, University of Buenos Aires supported by the British Academy) Thursday 18 January 10.00am -10.30am: Introductory Comments: Transnational Populist Politics? Paula Biglieri (University of Buenos Aires) and Mark Devenney… Continue Reading →
6 December 2017 | Workshop and lecture with Benjamin Noys, University of Chichester Abstract Modernity was born under the sign of happiness in the claims to common happiness visible in the French and American Revolutions. This dimension of common happiness… Continue Reading →
October – November 2017 A five week seminar on the classics for political theory and philosophy. It will be led by Dr Sara Diaco (PhD Cantab), a visiting CAPPE scholar this term. Dr Diaco will guide our reading and discussion… Continue Reading →
15th Jun 2017 This event was part of a British Academy funded project which aims to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →
February – June 2017 A 17-session seminar series leading to the conference Giving LIfe to Politics: Adrian Cavarero, June 2017 Session 1: Adriana Cavarero – In Spite of Plato Part 2: Wednesday 1st of February, Pavilion Parade, 10.30 – 12.30… Continue Reading →
13-20 March 2017 This workshop was part of a British Academy funded project which aims to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →
November 2016 – January 2017 Session 1: Reading Capital Part 1: Wednesday 30th of November, Pavilion Parade, 10.30-12.30 In preparation for the arrival of Sam Chambers (visiting Leverhulme Professor), who is currently working on Marx’s Capital, we will be reading… Continue Reading →
October 2016 – January 2017 | Reading group and workshop series with Ray Brassier followed by a public lecture The Persistence of Form: Hegel and Psychoanalysis Hegel once remarked that ‘philosophy is its own time comprehended in thought’. Philosophy, for Hegel,… Continue Reading →
5-7 December 2016 This workshop was part of a British Academy funded project which aimed to secure a long-term partnership between Argentinian and UK scholars and research centres concerned with the politics, economics and ideology of populist movements of the… Continue Reading →
7 Dec 2016 | Workshop The standard issues around ‘the ethics of writing’ concern either politically and ethically ‘engaged’ writing; plagiarism; or the presentation of scientific evidence and a range of related technical matters. Our interest is different from both… Continue Reading →
January to June 2016 This research seminar hosted by CAPPE and the College of Arts and Humanities is aimed at staff and research students interested in contemporary politics, philosophy, ethics and critical theory. Each year we focus on different issues… Continue Reading →
17 May 2016 Convergence around a broad alliance of the left has troubled socialist, communist, anarchist and other organisations since the 19th Century. Often, the divisions amongst the left are far more visible and audible than the factors that might… Continue Reading →
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