Current Students
Afxentis Afxentiou, Drone Warfare

Beatriz Arnal Calvo – Feminist narratives & Sahrawi territorialities

Jacopo Condo – Dialogical constitution of reasons and the capacity to refuse life-saving treatment

Luke Edmeads – Politics and morality in Adorno & Butler

Chris Griffin – Citizenship and peculative Narratives

Viktoria Huegel – Authority and democratic Politics

Joe Jukes – Queer affects, practices and relations found in rural area

Yagmur Kizilay Bicer – Sovereign power, violence, and evil

Pam Laidman – ‘Care of the Self’

Harrison Lechley-Yuill – Deconstruction, the proper, and violence

Jack Maginn – Sexuality and narrative in Woolf

Lorena Ramirez Hincapie – Neocapitalist regimes of time

Jaewoong Shin – Politics of emancipatory transition production

Ian Sinclair – Equality and difference

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