After discussing this topic with jules in my tutorial and exploring a potential masters degree later on, it became obvious i should definitely create adverts that express either my personal style or ones that depict brands from the master’s location – such as Paris. I found this really helpful, especially in expanding my knowledge further than just my favourite designers or ones that suit my style best. Marithe & Francois Girbaud is a french label that was founded by two stylists; which makes it even more apparent to my studies which i think mainly focuses on denimwear. Compared to many denim brands, i found their adverts to be very interesting and of a very unique nature. I am still unsure of why these images are taken to seem upside down, however it immediately caught my interest and straight away i became aware of the focus of denim. I also like how the colour scheme is kept consistent through terms of styling, clothing and the backdrop, really emphasizing a tone of voice for the brand. The compositioning of the images are also well thought about and very obvious to me, where garments of block colour are positioned depending on the contrast to the background. After examining these images, i want to approach this theme with a quite playful aesthetic and composition. To me, i get a type of school like feel to Marithe et Francois Girbaud’s ads here with a very retro style. Maybe this is because of the style of image but it is an idea that i want to further into.

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