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Doctoral College Post Graduate Research Festival 1st April 2020

Our fourth Festival of Postgraduate Research will be held on Wednesday 1st April at Moulsecoomb, Huxley. Expect to see some new activities on the programme along with the return of firm favourites such as the Three Minute Thesis (3MT), research poster and photo competitions, and Bake your Thesis. We’ll be bringing you further details early in the New Year. In the meantime, please hold the date in your diaryFor a taste of our previous festivals, check out the festival tabs on the Doctoral College blog.

All welcome.

Theatre for wellbeing and resilience in young people

Topic  How can Applied Theatre projects support the wellbeing and resilience of young people within secondary schools? – Helen Nelder, Applied Theatre practitioner and drama teacher

Date  Monday 17 February 2020

Time  1:15pm arrival for 1:30 – 3:15pm (with informal networking afterwards)

Location  TBC

Booking  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-can-applied-theatre-projects-support-the-wellbeing-and-resilience-


Session Summary  Helen

Nelder’s MA research into Applied Theatre projects, the Academic Resilience Approach (ARA) (Hart and Williams, 2014) and mental health care provision for children and young people in schools, led her to examine the potential of Applied Theatre practices to create opportunities for relational resilience and to support young people to understand and address their own issues and concerns in secondary schools. In doing so, she hopes that such projects will be part of long-term social investment in schools, teachers and c


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Sussex Youth Stop Aids event

18:00 on the Tues 28th of Feb in the Jubilee lecture theatre, Sussex University

Sussex Youth Stop AIDS Society have got a really exciting event coming up towards the end of next month and we were hoping you might be able to come along and support us in getting the word out! This is Youth Stop AIDS’s biggest annual event, bringing young people’s stories of living with HIV, right to your ears. Continue reading

Seminar – workplace health promotion in Sweden Wed 9th Nov

Dr Robert Larsson is visiting the SHS as part of our Erasmus + relationship with the Mälardalen University in Sweden.  He is a lecturer in Public Health Sciences and is presenting his doctoral thesis Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations on Wednesday 9th November 2pm – 4pm  Falmer Campus ,  Room 361 (top floor Westlain house).


Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations

The workplace is a suitable setting for health promotion, not least due to the amount of time employees spend at work. Drawing on the concept of workplace health promotion (WHP), the aim of this presentation is to describe how WHP is managed and implemented in Swedish municipal organisations. The presentation is based on my doctoral thesis which builds on three empirical studies. Both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews & documents) data collection methods were used. From the thesis, it can be concluded that WHP management is dominated by measures directed towards the individual employee and needs to include more of psychosocial and organisational measures. Furthermore, the varied organisational conditions for municipal managers as well as the support from senior management and human resources staff needs to be considered and ensured as part of an active and continuous WHP practice.


Building Resilience in Young People – Seminar Nov 3rd Falmer

Resilience Forum – Public health approach to resilience in young people – 3 Nov, Falmer

Public health approach – Thursday 3 November 2016

Public health approach to resilience in young people

Resilience Forum for ANYBODY (with a pulse!) involved with or interested in resilience research

Date:  Thursday 3 November 2016

Time:  1.00pm for 1.15pm – 3.00 pm. FREE

Venue:  101 Mayfield House, Falmer Campus, University of Brighton, Brighton, BN1 9PH

Topic:  Taking a public health approach to resilience in young people – Ann Hagell & John Coleman, Association for Young People’s Health

click the link to eventbrite below


Summary:  Ann Hagell and John Coleman have been working with Public Health England and other partners to develop resources to help people working in front line public health to promote young people’s resilience. This means working in the school and community settings. This presentation will be in two parts.

In the first part, Ann will introduce the constructs and share a new on-line resource from PHE to promote resilience.  It highlights the ways that services have successfully worked together, provides links to useful interventions and other resources, and draws on the perspectives of young people about what works well for them. We will look at the pressures young people face, the key elements and settings for promoting resilience, and how we make it happen in practice.

In the second part John will explore two examples of resilience promotion in more detail, drawing on a school-based interventions called FRIENDS FOR LIFE, and a programme called Healthy Minds. He will discuss the importance of developing relationship skills, becoming media literate and understanding mental health in building resilience in this age group.

workplace health promotion – presentation from Sweden Nov 6th

Dr Robert Larsson is visiting the School of Health Sciences as part of our Erasmus + relationship with the Mälardalen University in Sweden.  He is a lecturer in Public Health Sciences and is presenting his doctoral thesis Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations on Wednesday 9th November 2pm – 4pm  Falmer Campus ,  Room 361 (top floor Westlain house).  See below for a brief bio and overview of his presentation.

Please email Nita Muir, Principal Lecturer if you plan to attend as the room space is limited – N.Muir@brighton.ac.uk

From Dr Robert Larsson:

Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations

The workplace is a suitable setting for health promotion, not least due to the amount of time employees spend at work. Drawing on the concept of workplace health promotion (WHP), the aim of this presentation is to describe how WHP is managed and implemented in Swedish municipal organisations. The presentation is based on my doctoral thesis which builds on three empirical studies. Both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews & documents) data collection methods were used. From the thesis, it can be concluded that WHP management is dominated by measures directed towards the individual employee and needs to include more of psychosocial and organisational measures. Furthermore, the varied organisational conditions for municipal managers as well as the support from senior management and human resources staff needs to be considered and ensured as part of an active and continuous WHP practice

Link to comprehensive summary: http://mdh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:778989/FULLTEXT02.pdf