8 job vacancies for community link workers (£27 -29000)

With Thanks to Ross Bosely -current part time health promotion student, for altering us to the vacancies.

East Sussex County Council is recruiting a team of self-starters who can make a difference to how we work with local communities.  As a key member of an integrated health and social care team you’ll help to shape the way that health and social care teams support their clients to access community services and support, and help to shape the support that’s available in communities. You’ll work alongside local voluntary and community organisations as a key point of contact and provide support to make sure that the links between community organisations and locality teams work well. You’ll help to identify the assets in local communities  (buildings, people and key businesses) and make sure that locality staff are aware of these.

Details can be found on the East Sussex County Council website at:



Ross Boseley

Health Improvement Specialist (Sexual Health)