Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid /Podcast Show Quotes April 2024

As we approach the end of April, I want to remind #potentialusers of the many reasons why they should opt for or consider ‘Traditional African Methods of Settling Disputes’ or the ‘Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR).’

The Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show April 2024 quotes features a quote from the pioneer director of the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse, Mrs Anuolu Gade, in (2021) Episode 17: Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) as it stands today -Under the Leadership of Mrs Anuolu Gade encapsulates some of these reasons-

‘In Nigeria, litigation can be a frustrating experience that often leaves litigants financially drained. However, the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) offers a user-friendly ADR mechanism that is quick, inexpensive, and helps build and preserve relationships.

As the Yoruba saying goes, “You do not go to court and come back as friends; you end up as permanent enemies.”

The OYSMDC offers several benefits, including enhancing businesses in the state in a short time. When people bring their cases to the centre, they can expect to resolve their disputes amicably within one or two sessions’- Mrs Anuolu Gade, the Director of the OYSMDC On The EVA Show 2021.

I recommend you listen to the full Podcast with the link below:

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Achievements of the American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution with Ana Sambold, Esq (Vid /Podcast)



I was privileged to engage in a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Ana Sambold, Esq, the Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution for the 2023-2024 Bar Year on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast show. Ana Sambold is a California attorney, mediator, and arbitrator and one of the leading figures in the field of dispute resolution in the world. With over a decade of experience, she has served as a neutral in over 1,000 cases across a broad spectrum of civil litigation matters.

She is also a Negotiation Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law and has taught extensively in conflict resolution, negotiation, and ADR globally. She is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) enabling her to effectively mediate and teach in both languages. Ana has also served as the Chair of the San Diego County Bar Association ADR Section, Co-Chair of the California Lawyers Association ADR Committee, and President of the San Diego Law Library Foundation, among other leadership roles.

She wears many hats, so I have left the links to her profile below:…

In this series, Ana provided a comprehensive overview of what led to the establishment of the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. She then delved into the Section’s role and functions, highlighting how it serves the broader community.

Additionally, Ana touched on the Section’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity and the benefits they have yielded. One notable effort is the approval of Resolution 105 in 2018 by the ABA House of Delegates, which aimed to increase diversity in dispute resolution. We also examined some of the Section’s significant achievements within the larger context of the organisation. These achievements include Resolution 500, which strongly urges increased use of Early Dispute Resolution (EDR), while Resolution 703 approved the Uniform Collaborative Law Rules and Uniform Collaborative Law Act (UCLA) and Resolution 501, which underscores the principle of Civility as the cornerstone of democracy and the rule of law.

Ana went on to provide a detailed outline of the new programmes available at the upcoming 2024 Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, which will be held from April 10th to 13th in San Diego, California. Finally, Ana elaborated on the perks of being an American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution Section member.


Please subscribe to the EVA YouTube channel & listen to this series on all podcast channels– #audible #apple #amazon #overcast #google #spotify #listennotes #playerfm #pocketcasts #anghami

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TECH AND ADR: with Director Tony Guise

Looking forward to the podcast with Tony Guise on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. In different capacities Tony Guise has been at the heart of every major civil justice reform of the past Thirty (30) years. Notable successes include the formation of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) in 1997, the campaign for new court accommodation in 2007 that became the Rolls Building and, in 2013, costs budgeting. 
Tony ceased to practice as a commercial litigation solicitor in 2016. He works full-time as Director of DisputesEfiling, an online dispute management platform, as well as campaigning for civil justice reform. He writes about his work for Solicitors Journal, and the AOI Journal, amongst other publications.
 #adr #tech #technology #ai #techtok #mediation #podcast #interview #accesstojustice #legal #solicitor #software #civiljustice #reform #director #innovation #disputeresolution #vousparlezadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #england #wales #unitedkingdom #europe #inclusive #diversity #awareness #education #highereducation #research

Creating Safe Spaces via ADR: How can employees in the US report Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying without Fear of losing their Jobs with Herscheina Brown 

 Looking forward to the podcast session with Herschenia on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show.
She is a thought leader in workplace bullying and serves as the Vice Chair of Programming for the Diversity Committee of the American Bar Association Dispute Resolution and on the Advisory Board for the National Workplace Bullying Coalition, which is working to pass legislation to recognise bullying in the workplace as a toxic epidemic and create accountability.
Herschenia is an Ombudsman, Employment Mediator, Corporate Consultant, Speaker, and Amazon Bestselling and Award-Winning Author.
Stay Tuned!
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Achievements of the American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution with Ana Sambold, Esq

Looking forward to the podcast session with the Chair of the ABA Dispute Resolution, Ana Sambold, Esq, on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast show.
Ana Sambold is a California attorney, mediator, and arbitrator and one of the leading figures in the field of dispute resolution in the world.  With over a decade of experience, she has served as a neutral in over 1,000 cases across a broad spectrum of civil litigation matters. She is also a Negotiation Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law and has taught extensively in conflict resolution, negotiation, and ADR globally. She is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) enabling her to effectively mediate and teach in both languages.

Currently, she chairs the ABA Dispute Resolution Section for 2023-2024, leading the largest association of dispute resolution professionals in the world. She has also served as the Chair of the San Diego County Bar Association ADR Section, Co-Chair of the California Lawyers Association ADR Committee, President of the San Diego Law Library Foundation, among other leadership roles.

Stay Tuned!
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The Adoption of Resolution 703 By the American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates


On the 5th of February 2024, the American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates adopted Resolution 703. The Resolution reads:

RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association approves the Uniform Collaborative Law Rules and Uniform Collaborative Law Act (UCLA), promulgated by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 2010, as appropriate Rules or an appropriate Act for those states desiring to adopt the specific substantive law suggested therein.
Currently, nearly half of the US states have adopted the Act formalising the collaborative process. #Missouri and #Kentucky are currently considering adopting the UCLA this year.
Thanks to Professor Kristen Blankley (President of Global Collaborative Law Council Inc (GCLC), the late Kevin Scudder (founder of the Seattle Collaborative Law Center), Ana Sambold, Esq. (Chair, American Bar Association (ABA)-Dispute Resolution (DR), Susan Guthrie (Chair-elect, ABA-DR), Dean James Alfini, the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Harry L Tindall, Robert Merlin, Cole Jeffries, and all the other leaders who have pushed for the adoption of the UCLA, not only in the US but also globally through efforts of members of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) and the Global Collaborative Law Council Inc (GCLC).
For a statewide chart of the progress of UCLA in the US, read more here:
#adr #collaborativelaw #americanbarassociation #disputeresolution #GCLC #UCLA #us #Law #vousparlezadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #world
Michael P. Sampson
Ana Sambold, Esq
Susan Guthrie, Esq
Marc Sheridan

Asian International Arbitration Center (AIAC) with Director Datuk Sundra Rajoo (Vid /Podcast)


YouTube Link

Podcast Link

I had the privilege to engage in a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Director Datuk Sundra Rajoo on the Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid/Podcast Show. He is the current Director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) and president of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (AIADR). He is a Certified International ADR Practitioner (AIADR) and Chartered Arbitrator. He played an active role in transforming the AIAC into a sought-after arbitration centre in the Asian region, where the centre’s caseload grew massively from Twenty-Two (22) arbitration cases in 2010 to an accumulative total of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (2761) arbitration, adjudication and mediation cases in 2019.

Datuk Sundra is the Founding President of the Sports Law Association of Malaysia, Founding President of the Society of Construction Law, Malaysia and the Malaysian Society of Adjudicators, and Past President of the Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Grouping (APRAG). He is an Advocate & #solicitor of the High Court of Malaya, a Registered Professional Architect, a Registered Town Planner, and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Surveyors.

Datuk Sundra was an Adjunct Professor at the Law Faculty at the #university of Malaya and a past Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Technology and the Law Faculty at the National University of Malaysia. He is a former Deputy Chairman of the Adjudicatory Chamber of the Ethics Committee of the FIFA Council. He was conferred an honorary doctorate in law in 2015 from Leeds Beckett University, UK. He recently published the Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration in India (Thomson Reuters) and Standard Form of Building Contracts Compared (LexisNexis).

Datuk Sundra wears many hats, so I have left the links to his profile:

  / sundra-rajoo-923a34b0…

In this episode, we delved into a range of thought-provoking questions, such as the meaning of arbitration and its role in resolving disputes, while examining the emergence of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), and assessing the impact of appropriate dispute resolution (ADR) on access to justice in Asia. We scrutinised the laws and regulations guiding the AIAC while touching on sports arbitration, Islamic rules and the challenges faced by arbitral institutions in today’s world.

Datuk indicated the achievements of the AIAC and the associations that have supported its growth. In furtherance, we examined the diversity of the Centre and the advantages it brings, as well as looking at the Malaysian Bar Association and the All China Lawyers Association and highlighting the notable achievements resulting from the Centre’s intervention. We also revealed the importance of protecting the data of practitioners registered with the AIAC and discussed ways in which the Centre could improve its usefulness and service in the future. Finally, we examined the requirements for joining AIAC and the qualifications necessary for membership.

Please subscribe to the EVA YouTube channel & listen to this episode on all podcast channels- #audible #apple #amazon #overcast #google #spotify #listennotes #playerfm #pocketcasts #anghami Spotify Podcast Link:…


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Creating safe spaces via ADR: How can employees in Belgium Report Discrimination, Harassment And Bullying without fear of losing their jobs with Professor Barney Jordaan

Looking forward to the podcast with Professor Barney on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. He was a human rights lawyer in South Africa who realised that the law only works for people who can afford to access it. This sparked his interest in negotiation, mediation and other consensus-seeking approaches.

At Vlerick Business School in Belgium, he teaches MBA, Masters, open executive and company-specific programmes. He is the Programme Director of the Masters in General Management programme. He is also the co-founder and chair of the Institute for Negotiation at leading business schools in South Africa. Before joining Vlerick, he held positions as Professor of Law & Professor of Negotiation at leading business Schools- Stellenbosch University & University of Cape Town in South Africa.

Stay tuned!

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Creating Safe Spaces Via ADR: How can Employees in the US Report discrimination, harassment & bullying without fear of losing their Jobs with Kim Williams (Vid/Podcast)


YouTube Link

Explore the podcast


Title: Series 2: Creating Safe Spaces Via ADR: How can Employees in the US Report Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying without fear of losing their Jobs with Kimberly Williams

I was privileged to engage in a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Kimberly Williams on the Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. She is a former Diplomat and Vice President of People, Culture and Compliance. She is an Advisory Council Member and spokesperson for End Workplace Abuse. She is a thought leader, writer and Speaker on workplace bullying. Kimberly’s experience and empowering approach are influencing discussions on bullying in the workplace, motivating change and encouraging responsibility.

Kim wears many hats, so I have left the link to her profile:…

Please subscribe to the EVA YouTube channel & listen to this episode on all podcast channels- #audible #apple #amazon #overcast #google #spotify #listennotes #playerfm #pocketcasts #anghami

Podcast link Spotify:…

In this series, we examined a range of questions on the abovementioned subject. Specifically, we analysed the effectiveness of Appropriate / Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in addressing bullying, discrimination, and harassment in the workplace and the laws /employers’ legal obligations to prevent and address such behaviours while examining the encouragement of reporting such incidents through ADR. Furthermore, we thoroughly analysed Kim’s personal experiences with bullying and explored the actions HR can take when facing similar situations.


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What ADR Book Are You Reading? The Magic in Mediation: A Book by Ken Cloke -Quotes February 2024 By EVA


“Anyone who has mediated even a few disputes is likely to have experienced magic in mediation and would very much like to do so again. But if asked where this magic came from, how it happened, what it consisted of, and how they might replicate it, most would be hard-pressed to answer.

These unanswered questions, of course, form part of what makes any experience feel magical. But they are also the beginning of all arts and sciences. If we want to explore the magic in mediation more deeply, or explain the “fuzzy logic” that turns conflict into resolution, or consciously replicate these moving experiences, we need to unfold, unpack, dissect, and demystify the “miracles” of resolution we experience in mediation, hopefully without cancelling, mangling, or eviscerating them in the process. By magic, I do not mean illusion, trickery, sleight-of-hand, or superstition, but the very real, unpredictable metamorphosis of impasse into resolution.”

Ken Cloke, Author: The Magic in Mediation A Search for Symmetries, Metaphors and Scale-Free Practices pg,48


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