What ADR Book Are You Reading? The Magic in Mediation: A Book by Ken Cloke -Quotes February 2024 By EVA


“Anyone who has mediated even a few disputes is likely to have experienced magic in mediation and would very much like to do so again. But if asked where this magic came from, how it happened, what it consisted of, and how they might replicate it, most would be hard-pressed to answer.

These unanswered questions, of course, form part of what makes any experience feel magical. But they are also the beginning of all arts and sciences. If we want to explore the magic in mediation more deeply, or explain the “fuzzy logic” that turns conflict into resolution, or consciously replicate these moving experiences, we need to unfold, unpack, dissect, and demystify the “miracles” of resolution we experience in mediation, hopefully without cancelling, mangling, or eviscerating them in the process. By magic, I do not mean illusion, trickery, sleight-of-hand, or superstition, but the very real, unpredictable metamorphosis of impasse into resolution.”

Ken Cloke, Author: The Magic in Mediation A Search for Symmetries, Metaphors and Scale-Free Practices pg,48


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What ADR Book are you Reading? We’re Here to Help When Guardianship Goes Wrong

What ADR Book are you reading?

Pour moi-meme, I look forward to reading and reviewing the intriguing researched book ‘We’re Here to Help when Guardianship Goes Wrong’ by the award-winning investigative journalist and author Diane Dimond.

Excerpts from the Book’s Synopsis

‘The book examined the troubling concerns surrounding the guardianship/conservatorship system and its mishandling by the American legal system.’ “The state-run guardianship system, called conservatorship in some states, is largely unregulated, ill-understood, and increasingly populated by financially motivated predators. Just how the secretive world of guardianship works and its real-life effects remained a mystery to most until the very public case of pop star Britney Spears. It suddenly became clear that those conscripted into the system lose all their civil rights in the process. Currently, there are an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Americans under court control, but precise figures are not known as no government entity keeps track of citizens who have lost the right to determine their own fate.

Established in the late 1800s, the guardianship system was designed to assist the most vulnerable citizens: the elderly and the physically or intellectually disabled.”

Thought-provoking. Right? The first question that came to mind when I read the book’s synopsis was, ‘Can ( Appropriate / Alternative Dispute Resolution) provide a viable reform solution’?  

You can share in the comment section, ‘What ADR book are you reading or looking forward to reading?’ Let us continue the conversation and spread the much-needed awareness about the benefits of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Author’s Bio

Dimond may be best known for breaking the story of child molestation allegations against singer Michael Jackson in late 1993 and again in 2003 and following the story through the entertainer’s criminal trial in 2005-Dimond’s book, “Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case.”


Stay Tuned!


Grab a copy of the book at Amazon- For those who would like the Amazon link, here it is:

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The Magic in Mediation: A Search for Symmetries, Metaphors and Scale-Free Practices- By Professor Kenneth Cloke

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Anyone who has mediated is likely to have experienced the magic of mediation and would very much like to do so again. But if asked where this magic came from, how it happened, what it consisted of, and how they might replicate it, most would be hard pressed to answer.
To identify the sources of magic in mediation, we need to learn by metaphor from other disciplines and professions and search for ways of translating successful small-scale techniques into scale-free methodologies that can be applied to mid- and large-scale conflicts. We are actively creating wars, pandemics, and environmental conflicts that cannot be resolved or prevented except globally, collaboratively, and meditatively, using scaled-up, higher order dispute resolution skills. This is the core mission and calling of conflict resolvers around the world. And as these problems and conflicts have no borders, neither should our efforts to resolve them.
Magic happens not only because of what we do, but who we are; in spite of everything the parties have said and done to each other, all their anguish and pain and trauma and loss, all their failed efforts and hopelessness. Why? Because we know, in our minds and hearts that magic is possible, and are ready to step into their hatred and fear and darkness and uncertainty, to search for it there. In mediation, we allow ourselves, for a moment, to become the magic they are seeking, merely because they do not yet understand that the magic is already inside and between them.
 Kenneth Cloke

Grab a book of the book at Amazon- For those who would like the Amazon link, here it is:

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