Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category News and Events

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Counterstrategies to authoritarianism: toward a politics of wellbeing? 

October 4-5, 2024, Vienna. The AHRC Wellbeing State network project critically investigates today’s wellbeing discourse that promises to update our conception of human flourishing as a resource to help collectively confront the challenges of the 21st century. It brings together… Continue Reading →

CAPONEU Privacy Policy

Please find the CAPONEU privacy policy here. CAPONEU_privacy notice Events

Workshop | Rethinking the Feminist Politics of Care in an Age of Crisis: Dr Lucile Richard (University of Basel)

Please join us for these two workshops about the politics of care. They take place in Grand Parade, and will be catered. All welcome. Please distribute widely. Dr. Lucile Richard is a queer political theorist of feminist care politics, who… Continue Reading →

Event | Trans Liberation and the Fight Against Transphobia, 13th June 2024

Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics & Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender Trans Liberation, and the Fight Against Transphobia Jules Gleeson & Elle O’Rourke Thursday 13th June | 4pm to 6pm | University of Brighton, Grand Parade, Room… Continue Reading →

Event | Radical Disability Politics: A Global Dialogue, 7th June 2024

Radical Disability Politics A Global Dialogue 7th June 2024, 10:00-18:30, Zoom This event is free, and all sessions will include BSL interpretation and live captions   Disablement structures contemporary societies; both as grounds (and barriers) to welfare provision, and as… Continue Reading →

CAPONEU | Rethinking Politics | 9-11th September 2024

Rethinking the Political: Narrative, Protest and Fiction in the 21st Century   The conference programme and abstract booklet can be found here Date: Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th of September 2024                                                                                                                 Location: Room M2 and G4 58-76 Grand Parade, University… Continue Reading →

PGR Writing Sessions | MayWrite, May 2024

Please email CAPPE’s PGR Representative, Natasha Kennedy, at N.Kennedy2@brighton.ac.uk for any questions.

Global Fellow Professor Maria Esperanza Casullo Events | April/ May 2024

The University of Brighton will be hosting Professor Casullo through April and May 2024 as a Visiting Global Fellow. The programme of events in collaboration with CAPPE are listed below. For any questions please email Andy Knott: A.Knott@brighton.ac.uk Maria Esperanza… Continue Reading →

Event | Brighton Book Festival & CAPPE | 18th-23rd June 2024

The University of Brighton’s Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics will be partnering with CAPONEU and the Brighton Book Festival for a week programme of events at Grand Parade City Campus, 18th- 23rd June. Please see the link here… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Critical Theory Reading Group | 2024

CAPPE Critical Theory Reading Group   Aesthetics, Politics and Anti-Oedipus in the 21st century. This CAPPE reading group is open to staff, research students and colleagues around the world interested in contemporary politics, philosophy, ethics and critical theory. Each semester… Continue Reading →

Research & Knowledge Exchange Week | 25th-28th March 2024

Dear colleagues, Research and Knowledge Exchange Week will be taking place 25th March- 28th March 2024. All events can be booked through the booking form in the link. Please see below an invite to our Showcase event: On Wednesday 27… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Commemoration: between Aesthetics and Politics | April 16th 2024

CAPPE Workshop Commemoration: between aesthetics and politics with visiting scholar, Professor Alfonso Galindo Hervás April 16th 2024 | 10am-1pm | Mithras House, G30 If you are interested in joining online please use this Teams link   The argument of this… Continue Reading →

Talk | Does looting threaten hegemony? An analysis based on a Brazilian case: Guilherme Benzaquen | 15th April 2024

Does looting threaten hegemony? An analysis based on a Brazilian case: Guilherme Benzaquen 15th April 2024, 12:30pm-2:30pm Mithras House G13 If you are interested in joining online, please use this Teams link Starting with the question “does looting threaten hegemony?”,… Continue Reading →

Sonic Rebellions II | May & June 2024

Sonic Rebellions II Sonic Rebellions is a network of artists, academics, and activists exploring the relationship between sound and social justice. Established in 2022, the first edited collection is soon to be published under Routledge, featuring chapters on soundwalks and… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Bid-Writing Sessions

CAPPE is hosting two bid writing workshops across March and May. These are dedicated sessions to work on bids with tailored advice from the bid-support team. March Session- half a day session on writing bids, and funding opportunities  Location: Grand Parade… Continue Reading →

Monthly Talks | Interventions in Disability Politics programme

This year CAPPE is hosting a series of monthly online talks on disability politics. These will take place on Wednesday evenings 6pm-7.30pm. Please contact z.sutherland@brighton.ac.uk with any accessibility requirements. February, 28th Disability, Social Construction, and the Disappearing Body Liam Livesley Please join… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Reading Group Relaunch

Join us for a re-design of the CAPPE Reading Groups, directed by the PGR membership. Please see below for details of the weekly sessions and get in touch if you would like to facilitate.   Monday 5th February: X Tuesday… Continue Reading →

Seminar | Cultural Production and Social Justice, 9th February 2024, University of Cambridge

Please see an invitation on behalf of the University of Cambridge, with Mark Devenney:   We are delighted to be able to invite you to the inaugural event of the new Faculty Research Seminar series: Cultural Production and Social Justice.   The… Continue Reading →

Temporalities of Refusal Symposium | Newcastle University X CAPPE | 29th- 30th May 2024

Temporalities of Refusal Symposium 29th- 30th May, Frederick Douglass Centre, Newcastle Helix Square. Please see here for all the information for this symposium, including programme of events. Temporalities of Refusal is a two-day symposium inviting scholars from across the humanities to… Continue Reading →

The Politics of Emotion | Cristiano Gianolla

In November 2023, CAPPE welcomed Doctor Cristiano Gianolla from the University of Coimbra, Portugal presented his recent work about emotions and populism.  PAPER TITLE: Populism and the Politics of Emotion The social sciences and humanities have generated copious but fragmented… Continue Reading →

The Politics of Memory in the Italian Populist Right | Marianna Griffini

In November CAPPE welcomed Dr Marianna Griffini (Northeastern University, London) to introduce her new book on the Italian Populist Right and the Politics of Coloniality with a workshop and lecture at the University of Brighton. After the election of Gert… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Event – Riccardo Bellofiore, “What is it?” Intrinsic Value, Absolute Value, and Exploitation – 5th May 2023

In-person and online Room G4 in the Grand Parade building, 4.00 to 6.00, 5th May   Please contact z.sutherland@brighton.ac.uk with any accessibility requirements Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82936711099?pwd=R2k4TWRqNlhhT00waTJSNVBVb0RGZz09 Meeting ID: 829 3671 1099 Passcode: 148281    A key concept in Karl Marx’s critique of political… Continue Reading →

Neither Appropriated Nor Expropriated: Notes Towards an Autonomist Cripistemology of the ‘Productive Body’

10 May 2023 online Arianna Introna   In their The Productive Body François Guéry and Didier Deleule examine as central to the socialization of the labor-power contained in the biological body the mediation of what they call ‘the productive body’ (Guéry and… Continue Reading →

Identity, Work, and The Centrality of Disablement to the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations

29th March 2023 online Ioana Cerasella Chis This talk presents a series of arguments developed through the qualitative research project called ‘The Politics of Disablement and Precarious Work in the UK’. In the first part of the talk, I build… Continue Reading →

CAPPE Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

CAPPE is delighted to announce and introduce its new annual Undergraduate Dissertation Prize of £200, awarded to an outstanding dissertation, final project or performance, from any discipline across the University of Brighton, which speaks to our priority themes for the… Continue Reading →

Genetic Fictions: Imagining Disabled Lives in Contemporary Debates about Prenatal Diagnosis

8 February 2023 online Lucy Burke This talk will explore the complex entanglement of new reproductive technologies, genetics, health economics, rights-based discourses and ethical considerations of the value of human life with particular reference to representations of Down’s syndrome and… Continue Reading →

National Coalition for Latinx with Disabilities (CNLD)

18 January 2023 online It has been over 30 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed, but it has only been within the last decade that disabled Latinxs are becoming more visible and demanding disability justice. According… Continue Reading →

Call for papers: Radical Disability Politics: A Global Dialogue

CAPPE 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 8th, 9th, 10th September Online   Over the past decade, the cumulative brutalities of various crises, austerity measures and organised abandonment through the Covid-19 pandemic, have pushed disabled people and activists in many parts of the world to re-assess… Continue Reading →

July 2023

05/07/2023 – DISABILITY POLITICS MONTHLY LECTURE: Kirstie Stage, Disabled People, Labour Markets and Exploitation in the late 20th Century

Interventions in Disability Politics Seminar Series 2022/23

This year CAPPE is hosting a series of monthly online talks on disability politics. These will take place on Wednesday evenings 6pm-7.30pm. Please contact z.sutherland@brighton.ac.uk with any general questions and/or accessibility requirements.   16th November – Luke Beesley, ‘Decades of… Continue Reading →

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