Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Important message for students seeking financial advice

Have you got a question about your student finance or anything else money related?

The Student Advisers are still working, albeit offering online and telephone advice only.

Please email us in the first instance with your question and we will respond as soon as we can. If you prefer a call back rather than email, no problem. Make sure you tell us your student number and telephone number and possibly a brief summary of the issue. It is usually easier for us to explain things over than phone than by email and we’ll probably appreciate the contact as much as you during this difficult times.

In the meantime, keep an eye on your online student finance account which will be updated if there are any changes to student loan payments dates, processing times and so on.

You can find helpful information on our My Finances pages of the uni website covering tuition fees, bursaries and additional sources of funding such as the Student Support Fund.

We will update you through this blog, so please subscribe by email to get the latest money news direct into your inbox.

The uni buildings may be closed but staff are working really hard behind the scenes to respond to your questions and concerns as quickly and effectively as possible.

Stay connected

Student Advice service

Helen Abrahams • March 19, 2020

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