Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Calling all 2nd and 3rd years – UoB Marketing department wants your input

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Have you seen the Student Advice Service ‘What I wish I knew’ short film?

Have you got some tips or good advice you want to share with new students?

Want to pass on your experiences to help others?


Now is your chance to join the dizzy heights of UoB video stardom…..

Our Marketing department is looking for new voxpops (short informal videos) from 2nd and 3rd year students telling new prospectives what they wish they knew in the first year and what they would have done differently. Also, they are asking for 2 pieces of advice.

If this appeals to you, you can either send in your video to Naomi Ford in our Marketing department Alternatively, she can arrange for the filming.

Student Advice Service








Helen Abrahams • August 20, 2015

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