Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton


Looking for part-time work?

Part-time jobs are a great way to boost your income. Most students need a part-time job to help supplement their income. Most jobs will give you valuable work experience and you might get a job that relates to your study. Here’s a video from the Careers Service about finding a part-time job:

How to find a job

Start with the university’s Vacancy and Event Database.  It is a database advertising local job opportunities. The vacancies are suitable for students who wish to work around their studies. Register with the Vacancy and Events Service

You can also speak to a university careers adviser, or find other sources of job vacancies and get advice from the Careers Service on finding a part-time job.

As well as signing up for the uni online vacancy bulletin service

Tom • February 7, 2014

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  1. Asif Yusuf April 21, 2014 - 2:03 pm Reply

    We publish this really useful website for part time work –

    I hope you have luck finding any relevant opportunities

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