ITE Partnership Blog

School-based training opportunities in partnership with the University of Brighton

Secondary SBT2 Phase 1 Summary

SBT2 Phase 1 requirements and outline

PGCE / SDT SBT2 Phase 1: 22nd February – 1st April 2021

Thank you once again for offering placements to our trainees for SBT2 Phase 1.

SBT Period Dates Teaching Assessment

SBT2 – Phase 1


Monday 22nd February – Thursday 1st April (6 weeks) Gradual build up from 40% of a teacher’s normal timetable to 60% by final week

SA Report: 19.03.21

SB Report: 26.03.21


Trainees on SBT2 are required to gradually build up to ‘teaching’ (N.B. adopting a broad and flexible definition of what ‘teaching’ is in the current context) a timetable that equates to 60% of a teacher’s normal timetable e.g. if a teacher takes 20 out of 25 lessons in a week, they will build up to teaching 12 lessons a week or their equivalence by the last week of SBT Phase1.

In addition, trainees should set aside:

  • Mentor Meeting: 1 period
  • Preparation for Mentor Meeting: 1 period
  • Professional Studies Meeting:  1 period
  • Updating ePortfolio: 1 period

If lockdown and remote teaching continues after the 8th March the 60% ‘teaching’ timetable can continue to comprise aspects of the following:

  • remote teaching responsibilities (solely / jointly) for groups / classes
  • teaching vulnerable children and those of critical workers

Planning, writing and evaluation of lessons should take place for the above using the subject route pro forma.  Where possible, the latter ought to be the bulk of their 40-60% build-up.

However, a ‘teaching’ timetable that comprises some of the above and a combination of the following where appropriate would also work well, adopting a broad and flexible definition of what ‘teaching’ is in the current context:

  • preparing teaching resources for the department
  • creating or adapting a series of lessons / unit of work for a class or in a department
  • creating or adapting pupil self-study materials
  • updating or adapting face-to-face resources to meet remote learning needs
  • updating or adapting face-to-face resources for a range of pupils to meet remote learning needs and accessibility
  • re-planning lessons / sequences of lessons based on lesson evaluations / feedback
  • delivering catch-up / revision lessons with individuals / groups
  • engagement in wider professional activity, for instance learning about tackling pupil, family and school needs, such as vulnerability, mental health problems or safeguarding issues
  • engagement in a mixed-subject learning focus group to share best practice around key areas such as managing workload, remote teaching, tracking, behaviour management, inclusion and assessment
  • working in pairs or groups to co-plan, co-teach and co-assess lessons with other trainees or their mentors
  • developing pupil assessments to support remote learning e.g. retrieval practice quizzes, mini-plenaries, live quizzes / polls using online platforms
  • setting up, monitoring and assessing pupil work in digital portals
  • involvement in formative and summative assessment of pupil work
  • pastoral care, such as supporting / leading tutor groups or attending a remote parents evening or communicating with parents (with support)
  • mentor directing trainee engagement with appropriate university professional learning packs (PLPs) to support professional action plans that trainees can access through My Studies – My Course PGCE Sec (including SDT) and 2 Year BA – Self Isolation Independent Learning Resources:
PLP Teacher’ Standard (TS) Minimum Time to Complete
Assessment: 1. Questioning 2. Assessment Literacy 5 3.5 hours each
Behaviour Management 7 6 hours
Feedback and Marking 2 and 6 2.5 hours
Inclusion 5 6 hours
Learning Objectives and Success Criteria 2 and 4 3.5 hours
Modelling 2 and 4 3.5 hours
Outdoor Learning 4 3.5 hours
Teacher presence 1 and 7 3.5 hours
Transition (primary to secondary) 2 1.25 hours
  • mentor directing trainee engagement with online materials/support packages such as the following to support professional action plans:
  1. The ITT Core Content Exemplification Resources for each of the Teachers’ Standards:
  2. The Early Career Framework Chartered College of Teaching Early Career Hub
  3. University of Brighton Resources for Trainee Teachers
  • subject knowledge development self-isolation tasks that trainees can access through My Studies – My Course PGCE Sec (including SDT) and 2 Year BA – Self Isolation Independent Learning Resources – Subject Specific Folders
  • a range of subject knowledge PLPs (each 3 hours in length) produced during last year’s lockdown – subject tutors will direct trainees to where these are in the My Studies Subject Study folder

The above suggestions are not an exhaustive list but do provide ‘teaching opportunities’ that enable trainees to make progress towards the Teachers’ Standards.  We recognise that schools have different priorities, offering varied and valuable unique experiences tailored to individuals.

If a mentor is unsure about the SBT2 Phase 1 programme they have devised for a trainee, please feel free to contact route leaders / subject tutors at the university to discuss.

In relation to the above, it is important that we all remember that a trainees’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the Teachers’ Standards can be assessed within the context of training in 2020/2021.  In other words, a context which encapsulates learning to teach pupils in the situations in which they are learning whether this be face to face or virtually.

UCET state that: The trainees of 2021 will have developed the knowledge, skills and understanding to teach in this specific current context of the global pandemic, as well as what is needed to adapt to changing contexts for teaching as the situation evolves globally, nationally, and regionally over the next months and early stages of their career.  This is indeed a unique training year!

Thank you for the part you continue to play in supporting trainee development.

Best Wishes

Tom Newlands – Postgraduate Secondary Programme Leader


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Vicki May • February 5, 2021

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