ITE Partnership Blog

School-based training opportunities in partnership with the University of Brighton


History PGCE

Trainees undertaking the History route develop a personal rationale for History’s inclusion in the secondary curriculum and engage critically with crucial subject specific debates and key pedagogies in an informed manner. They are encouraged to explore different interpretations of the role of History in shaping the lives of young people and develop their own philosophy.

Student teachers consider what good teaching and learning looks like in the History classroom and plan individual lessons and historical enquiry question lesson sequences that include learning objectives and outcomes, adaptive teaching and inclusion, appropriate resources / activities and assessment for learning with due attention to prior learning and pupil progress. They explore the complex nature of progress in history and different ways to measure it through formative assessment and lively and interesting outcome activities. Throughout the course they learn to develop historical enquiry questions so that during their teaching they can encourage pupils to review their own learning and understanding of second order concepts against these overarching questions.

Subject knowledge is developed throughout the programme using strategies such as an ongoing subject audit, subject knowledge development days with classroom applications (Medieval history, The British Empire, teaching sensitive subjects), micro-teaching and signposting to reading and podcasts. They also have field trips to The Keep and a Black history tour of Brighton. Trainees are encouraged to experiment with different learning activities such as using artefacts, sources, music, stop-motion animation and film. They have a visit from an exam board expert and other visiting speakers to enhance their specialist knowledge.

During the programme student teachers are exposed to current thinking from the History community about topics such as decolonising the curriculum, cognitive load theory and inclusion. They develop a high level of subject expertise in order to become strong and effective subject specialists who know and understand their subject well and can teach confidently and creatively.

Details for potential students can be seen on our main university site

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