Guidance, Resources, Tech

Looking for a source of free images?

Most of the images you find on the web will have some sort of copyright or ownership rights that will prevent you using them in lectures, posters or as dissertation stimuli for example. There are a number of free sources of images, and here they are! If you find any more please let Joe the psychology technician know. and  are searchable sources for free images.

You can also use to search Flickr for images that are licensed for reuse. It allows you to filter by commericial/non-commercial reuse so it is very helpful.

You can also try:

More guidance for University of Brighton students using images





Facilities, Guidance, Tech

Do you want to present a psychology experiment on a computer?

Do you want to present images, text or video to participants, and measure their responses and reaction times accurately,  easily and automatically? If so you need to check out the Psychology lab’s SuperLab software, which is installed on the computers in the lab’s soundproof testing booths. We also have a number of response pads, which can be easily configured to allow participants to quickly and easily interact with your experiments.

You can create whatever experiments you desire. We have pre-programmed the Stroop task and the Implicit association test. Other examples of experiments include tasks  relating to perception and attention, memory, perceptual representation, representation of meaning and reasoning. We can help you with programming your own experiment, whether by providing training or by helping you build the experiment from scratch.

If you are interested in running any of these pre-programmed experiments, creating your own experiment, or just having a look at what SuperLab entails please speak to the psychology technicians. If you would like to have a read about SuperLab and how easy it is to present an experiment, please take a look at the SuperLab manual.

Resources, Tech

Using iPads for qualitative research

Very interesting blog post here from Fiona Macneill (Learning Technologies Advisor) on using iPads for qualitative research, including using them to record interviews and focus groups, and the apps and hardware that may help.

If anybody is interested in using the apps mentioned here for dissertations or research please speak to me and I’ll get them installed on the Psychology Lab’s iPads. The lab is happy to lend students and staff iPads, mics, voice recorders, video cameras – just click view &  book lab resources to see what we can offer.