SONA automates booking arrangements and Research Points for online as well as face to face studies, helping you keep track of your participant bookings and data fo interviews, focus groups, surveys, and experiments. If you’re conducting online interviews, you can also add the meeting link to your SONA study page which helps participants access your study.
It is not compulsory to use SONA if you are able to get sufficient participants from outside of psychology and have gained agreement from your supervisor and the approval to do this from the ethics committee. However, it is strongly recommended, because the L4 and L5 students are looking for experience in participation and will be incentivised to take part.
You can log in to SONA using the link below:
Make sure you read the Research Privacy Policy before using SONA to conduct research.
[Download accessible version of the privacy policy]
How do I access my SONA Researcher account?
The lab runs a series of workshops between December and February each year on how to use SONA as a researcher to conduct dissertation research. You will be notified about these via MyStudies in advance of the workshops. The workshops will take place in-person, with online recorded workshop videos available on our Psychology Lab Workshops SharePoint page (Linked Below). We will also run a series of drop in sessions throughout the recruitment period (January – March) for you to attend if you have any questions. These resources are available to University of Brighton Psychology students.
Psychology Lab Workshops SharePoint Page:
Qualtrics, SONA & Teams Workshops
Your SONA account will be upgraded to a researcher account in time for the training sessions. Keep an eye out for an e-mail and StudentCentral announcement from the PsychLab. Afterwards, you’ll see the option to use the Researcher account after logging in with your usual login details.
How can I sign up for the workshops?
You will receive an e-mail with a sign-up sheet. If you have questions in the meantime, let us know.